Chapter 5

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We were sitting in his car in my driveway now. We had a pretty fun time at McDonald's. Jaylen can eat an entire cow and then some! I've never seen someone eat so much beef. Remind me again, why do men have larger than life appetites?

"Thanks for taking me out the house today Jaylen. I had a great time." I kissed his cheek, making him and myself blush.

"No problem, Kylie. I wouldn't mind doing it every day beautiful." He smiled, showing his dimples. "You know what? What's your whole name? I bet it's so unique and lovely." He laughed, sounding so corny to me.

Now is my time. I should tell him the truth, it's now or never. I want to actually pursue a relationship with him one day and we can't have that based on lies. Come on, Zoey. Spit it out.

"Umm, actually my name isn't Kylie," I started off, fiddling with my shirt. "My name is Zoey Lucille Washington."

I waited for him to say something. Anything. He wasn't even looking at me. Damn, I always fuck things up. I should have told him sooner. "Jaylen, I can explain." I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"Get out my fucking car!"He screamed at me. His veins looked as if they were about to pop out of his forehead. I opened the car door and slowly walked to the front door of my house. I could hear him pulling out the driveway. I turned and watched as he burned the rubber off his tires.

Tears were threatened to fall any second now. I unlocked the door and began walking up to my room. I laid across my bed and began to sob hysterically.

Why did he react like that? He didn't even let me explain. It's not like I wanted to lie to him. I didn't even know we would get this far. I always mess things up. ALWAYS! I reached in my pocket and pulled out my phone. Should I text him? Tell him why I said my name was Kylie. It wasn't like I could meet up with him and talk, I'm car-less.

He might not even respond to me. I have ran away my potential first boyfriend. Dammit, Zoey.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and went to our conversation. I had to text him, I couldn't just wait. I wanted to fix things now.

Me: Jaylen I'm sooo sorry for lying about my name on Kik and I'm extremely sorry for not telling you my real name sooner, I only said my name was Kylie to protect my identity on Kik, you know? its a lot of creeps on there.. I was just protecting myself, and I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore. No one would want to be friends with a liar

I sent the message, regretting it seconds later. I hopes he text me back and if he doesn't. Oh, well. I can't make him forgive me, some things happen for a reason. Maybe it wasn't meant for us to be a couple or friends at all. I looked at our previous messages and clicked on his contact information.

I stared at his contact photo. Memorizing his nice lips and that perfect smile. I might not ever see it again. My eyes moved to his neck where his tattoo was located. I didn't remember seeing a tattoo on his neck today. So does he have a tattoo or not?

What the fuck is really going on? I suddenly began to panic, trying to remember any personal information he told me.

And nothing comes to mind. I'm starting to realize that I don't know anything about this guy, and he knows my whole fucking life story. He knows where I live, he knows I'm an only child, he knows that my mom is always at work and he knows that I never have visitors. I don't know shit about him, I don't even know if Jaylen is his real name now. I really have fucked up now.

I opened the Kik app to look at our conversation and his photo was blacked out and his name was now Blocked User. This dude has blocked me on Kik, and it hasn't even been 15 minutes since the incident.

I sat my phone on my nightstand. Still waiting for Jaylen to respond to my earlier text message.  He can block me on kik, but can't text me back. Maybe he blocked me on his contact list too. Either way, I needed answers and I'm not going to stop until I get them.

I decided to call him. I dialed his number, waiting for him to pick up.

"We're sorry; you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try your call again."

At least, I know I'm not on his block list.

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