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First I want to give a HUGE shout out to.... 5sosloveus!! I saw that she added my book and that made me feel so happy!!! So keep on reading!! message me for a shout out!! So I've started noticing that I'm getting new readers every time I'm on wattpad. Which is really awesome! You guys are so amazing and this is why I've started making the chapters longer! I've realized they were so short and probably take you seconds to read. So, I wanted to say a BIG THANKYOU!! But leave comments love seeing what you guys think!! I will start trying to message you guys but you have to leave your name in the comments!! Well, I need/want a new character... Do any of you want to be one?? Just message me details!! The names benjas_bby so please message me! Think that's it people..

Keep on rolling like a stone ❤️

Love yea

Take care xx ,

Chloe xx

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