Chapter 2

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Today I started school so I got in the shower as much as I dreaded it. I played my music and started blaring my music out of my beats speakers; which are the best thing on earth. I started singing when my most favourite song came on I miss you by blink 182. They are so talented and their my idols.

After my very warm shower the air smelt like coconuts and raspberry. My favourite smells on earth. I was getting dressed in a pair of high waisted shorts and a nirvana shirt tucked into it. I also had my all time low vans and my beanie. Those things are my most prize possession. Finally I did my hair and make up. My hair was straightened and my makeup consist of cream, foundation, mascara, eyeliner, and some eye shadow. My foundation was a pale color because I had pale skin obviously and I love being pale. Mum called from downstairs to eat my breakfast. I quickly put some lip balm on, tucked it in my pocket and raced downstairs almost falling several times. "Good morning honey" mum said very cheerful. "Good morning I mumbled still kinda asleep after my shower. She handed me a plate with food that consist of bacon, scrambled eggs, potatoes (hash browns etc.), and a little pile of pancakes. "Mum you out did yourself today" I said. "Well today is the first day of school so eat up don't want you bring late on your first day!" I obeyed and started eating as fast as I could which has very fast. Food was a passion for me. Lol along with music. But mostly music. Soon enough I was done eating and waiting outside my house. Then I noticed a boy who lived next door to me (see what I did there!) he was listening to music with one earbud in and one out. I was staring for a couple minutes and I didn't even realize but he looked up and smirked. " take a picture it last longer babe." I was speechless. He then started walking torwards me. "Hey I'm ashton. I've never seen you here before are you new??" "actually I've moved here on sarurday" I said trying to start a conversation. " my na-" the bus was stopped right in front of us the bus driver looking pissed off that we made him wait. But I didn't really give a fuck. Me and this ashton guy walk on the bus and try to find a seat. Ashton then grabbed my arm and took me to sit with three other boys who I was guessing we're his friends. The boy who had dyed hair said " woah ash you finally get a girl." "No she's the girl next door to me and I was being friendly and letting her sit with us." The boy with the blond quiff said " but ashy you were suppose to sit with me!" Well I'm gonna sit with..." "My names ch-" the bus stopped and we were being trampled by kids. After everyone was off me ashton and the other three boys names I have to learn got off the bus and we walk into the doors. " boys you can go to the lockers I'll be with her for the day see us at lunch guys!" Ashton ran off with me too the office. Soon he started walking so I did too. " umm I'm sorry but I still haven't got your name yet" Ashton said. I start talking not the principal interrupted me. "Oh you must be the new student! Well, hello my name is Mr. Ramsey. I'm the principal and I have all your papers ready."He handed me everything I needed which was like 300 pages. After I got done mr. Ramsey looked at Ashton with disgust and said " well, well, well mr. Irwin what are you doing here?" " actually I'm showing this lovely lady around the school and making sure i get her to her classes so sorry if I'm late for any of them." "That will be okay as long as your ONLY showing her around the school." " yes Mr.Ramsey!" "Okay make sure you kids get to class though." After that we leaft and Ashton was looking at my schedule. "Well, we am have every class together and right now we have... Maths so come on." I was following Ashton to our classroom when I noticed all of the boys from the bus where there in a circle and one chair leaft for somebody to sit. Me and Ashton didn't even bother about the teacher because he knew that I was new. Ashton looked at me and said" have that seat I'll grab another one." "Mkay" I say. While the teacher was carrying on about something me and the guys were talking quietly so we didn't get busted. Soon I figured that the guy with the dyed hair name was Michael, the guy sitting with him was Calum, and the guy with the quiff was Luke. After that boring class was over ashton took us to the next class; English. I wasn't really into English so I zoned out. And for some reason I started thinking about ashton. I thought about his hair the way it shined in the light and his smile that would make the world shine so bright and his eyes that when they looked at me I got shivers because they were so beautiful. Wait, Chloe what are you saying?! You don't like ashton any way like that!! I got pulled out of my thoughts by Michael throwing a eraser at me. He hit me right on my hand. The guy has really bad aim. So, I licked it and threw it back at him kinda pissed off by his actions and hit him straight in the forehead and it stuck there from where I licked it. Me and the guys were trying so hard to hold our laughter in because we had 5 minutes of class leaft till lunch. By far the best subject of the day.

Finally it was lunch and I raced Calum out of the classroom. I won. "I let you win!" Calum said. "Sureeee you did cal!" I said. Soon enough we were in the cafeteria line waiting and finally I got to order my food so Being the awesome person I am had a contest with Michael to see how many slices of pizza each person could eat. Obviously we made a bet on it. 20$ each. So there was around 100 dollars on the table between all of us.

Me and Michael were tied right now with 5 peices and I wasn't even full. I come from a family that can eat a lot. He has no idea who he's against. At the end of it Michael ate 10 slices and I over powered him by eating 13. They all looked at me shocked as I collected the money from the table. "That was fun we'll have to do that again, or are ya to scared mike?" I said with a bit of sass in my voice. " I can't believe you just fucking beat me at EATING PIZZA!!" He said while his voice was getting louder with each word. I ran away before they could say anything else. I hated when people yelled at me because I had a BAD past with relationships. My boyfirend beat me when he didn't get his way. I actually thank him not because of beating me but he made me find the person inside of me, the new Chloe holmes. The bell rang and I manage to find my classes. I sat by the boys but didn't say anything just had a hurt look in my eyes. Finally it was the end of the day and I was like lightning getting out of the school and onto the bus. I put my earbuds in and it blasted I miss you by blink182. Ashton walked on the bus and sat down next to me. I pull out a earbud and say "may I help you?" I asked in a sweet innocent voice. " why did you just run away like that at lunch?" " it's a long story, and I really don't feel like telling it" I said getting a little pissed off at him. " now go sit with your friends, there waiting for you" I pointed back to Luke, Calum, and Michael. " but what if I wanna sit with you?" Ashton said. " you know what I really don't care." "Good, cause I am." I put the earbud in my ear again and listen to my music peacefully until ashton pulls out the earbud. "Yes" I said with sass in my voice. " I wanted to know what your listening to." Ashton said. " you probably won't like it since your such a pretty boy." I said. " well, you don't know me so how about you come over to my house and I'll get to know you better. You can have dinner with me,mum, my brother, and my sister." "Okay, I'd like that" I said interested. "Well, it's our stop so better get off before that guy kills us with his looks" Ashton said laughing. "Haha yeah c'mon pretty boy" I said laughing. "Hey!" Ashton said joking when we were off the bus. " cya at.... What time?" I said. "I don't know but I'll tell mum and then I'll come over and tell you everything." "Then you should probably stay and help me pick out a outfit" I said joking. "Okay!" He said. I didn't really mean it but whatever. I got a hot guy coming in my house.. In my bedroom... Sweet Jesus.


Hey guys second chapter! I tried to make it long but I still can make another huge chapter with that evening

Keep rolling like a stone ❤️

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