Chapter 1

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Suzie's POV
OCTOBER 16, 1991

"Can you get off school for these next few days?" Mary asks as she barges into my room.

"Jesus Christ, Mary." I scold her for barging in on me. "Next time, knock. Alright." I roll my eyes and turn back to fixing my drawer for the billionth time today. I was just so stressed after taking my first school exam.

who knew fashion design was so hard? I thought to myself. I guess I said it out loud.

"I told you it was. Besides, you could go back to McCartney and then it won't be that hard." Mary says as she flops down on my bed.

"First, you barge into my room without permission and now, you're invading my personal thoughts." I continue to scold her as my outlet for all the stress building up in me.

She huffs and takes the latest vogue magazine off my bedside table and says, "Calm down Suz. I'm sorry but I don't care if you're butt ass naked, you are my sister. We lived in a 3 bedroom cottage in Scotland and I've seen more of you than I intended to ever see." She closes the magazine and gets off my bed, "just thought maybe we could take a trip to release you of all that stress. But I guess not." She finishes and starts walk towards the door.

"Wait Mary. Look I'm sorry for scolding you but I've just fixed my drawer like a madwoman for the billionth time today." I throw back the article of clothing that I held back into the drawer and close it.
I walk over to my closet and take out my suitcase that's way past it's expiration date. It was my mum's but she gave it to me before I went on a trip with my school mates to Italy.

"So where we going, Mary? Arizona? Scotland? Saint-Tropez?" I asked as I opened the ancient suitcase on my bed. I looked at her curiously.

She smiles and flops back on the bed. "There's the Suzie Q that I know and love. Where you been? It's like some cold hearted bitch took over you for the past couple of weeks." We both giggle at the mention of my horrendous nickname.

I wasn't in fact named after the famous "Suzie Q" song. My mum decided to name me Suzie because it's what's people called her in Jamaica, Suzy. Quite a story, right?

" I've got an even better place." She says with a smirk.
"Tell me or you'll give something more to stress about." I exclaim as I flop down on the bed next to her.
"Manchester. We're going to Manchester for the weekend." She says. I turn my head and give her a wide eyed look. She laughs as I look at her in confusion

"Why Manchester? Dad doesn't even let us go to Liverpool by ourselves and now we're going to Manchester." I tell her while I get up to put my suitcase back in the closet.

She sits up and grabs my hand. "I'm a 22 year old woman and you are a 20 year old woman who don't need daddy's permission to go anywhere. It's the whole reason we moved out."  She says as she pulls me to sit next to her.

"What are we gonna tell them? What if they ask?" I ask curiously. "We'll tell them where we've gone but I won't ask." She assures me, "we'll just have to call them before they call the house phone and start asking a billion questions."

We both sit and stare out the window at the apartment building across the street. I sigh and say, " ok and yes I can skip my class since it's only one I'll be missing." I agree and look at her. I grab my box of cigs and offer her one. She takes two out for her and me. We light them up and continue to stare out the  window.

I notice that it started to get smokey in here, so I open the window and climb out to the fire escape, where I had little pot of flower there. Sunset was fast approaching. God I love London when it's sunny which is rare.

Mary comes out to join me and sits with her body half inside and the other outside. "We're taking Will too. He knows people there and he'll , hopefully, guide us the way." She tells me. William is our childhood friend that we toured often with. His dad is my dad's friend and our mums were friends when my mum lived in New York. We also would sing and play instruments together when we aren't busy.

I nodded and we watched as the sun went down and our cigs long gone.

We decided it was best to return inside and order Chinese food.

I change into pjs which consisted of underwear, Will's boxers, and Will's shirt. I literally have his entire wardrobe in my closet.

"Mary don't forget the rolls too." I yell from my room.
"I already ordered and yes I ordered the rolls." She says as she walks into my room, also in her pjs.

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