Part 1

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You were a big fan of Bts and wished to meet them especially Jungkook you had a massive crush on him. But it was weird cause your big Brother Rm was apart of Bts but he is super over protective over you.

So he never wanted you to meet Bts he trusted them but he also knew they are guys who have needs.

You laughed when he told you that but you felt like he was telling the truth and he really cared while getting ready you got a text from Rm.

He just invited you to a live with them but you had to stay with him permanently Rm was 4 years older then you. You were only 20 years old, you begin to pack your clothes for tomorrow you were so excited to meet them you decided to go out with your friends for the last time and with your best friend.

You didn't know what suddenly changed his mind but you just went with the flow because you missed him and it was lonely without any family living around you.

All I could think about was my brother, you thought You will be happy to see everyone but it just my brother. Even though You adored Kook you drifted off to sleep with a lot of thoughts in your head.

You woke to the sound of your annoying alarm that you regret buying, you got up and put on your clothes. You said goodbye to the world you loved and learned to know and hello to the world you'll learn to know. You boarded the plane on your way to South Korea which was hours away.


You arrived on South Korea you looked around expecting to see your brother but you saw a man dressed in black like one if those movie bodyguards with a board in his hand with your name on it. You walked towards him trying hard not laugh because you knew how silly and not so serious you were.

You left with that weird man and arrived at the back door of a dorm the guards at the door was trying to grabbed your luggage but you told him no thanks because you could carry your own things. you walked in to this fabulous place surround by guards they took you to the dorm Bts was living in you hesitated from not seeing your brother in so long.

But someone soon opened the door but it wasn't your brother it was a tall muscular man you looked up to see Jeon Jungkook staring at you."Are you lost?" he said looking down "No" you said stuttering because you were so nervous and your heart was beating so loud you could hear it.

"No, she's with me." you heard a somewhat familiar voice it was your brother Kim Namjoon "OPPA!" you yelled cutely jumping on him to give him the biggest hug."I missed you too." he said chuckling "That's your sister, hyung?" he said slowly coming back inside the dorm closing the door .

"Everyone." Joonie yelled calling all the members and next thing you know you were all  in the living room but all stares were on you as you bite you lip nervously which showed you dimples "Wowww she has deep dimples like her brother, Your really pretty." you heard a sudden voice saying you were pretty and it was J-hope smiling at you.

You couldn't help but smile really cutely at the compliment "Cuteee." you heard jungkook say as he sat closer next to you causing Rm to get up and sit in between you both.You got up going to your room having no clue where to go "Do you know where your room is?" You heard Rm ask as he escorted you to the room.

"Don't get involved with them okay." He told you "I'm grown Rm I got this." you said putting your suitcase and bags down while smiling "lets not worry about that lets just spend time together lets go golfing." You said walking  down the stairs while Rm followed you "GOLFING ON ME!" you yelled enthusiastically "No on me." rm said looking at you.

"I'm grown." you said reassuring him "But i'm your big bro." he said reassuring you as you rolled your eyes."Fine by me." you heard suga say as he walked out the door followed by Rm sticking out his tongue out at you as you jumped at him."Hi I'm Taehyung." Tae said grabbing your hand giving you a hand shake while walking out the door everyone walked out the door so you followed but jumped at a sudden touch.

It was Jk grabbing your hand "In case you get lost." he said proud of not being the maknae anymore "That's why you don't need to hold my hand cause i know i won't get lost." you said walking away  catching up with the others.

You all suddenly arrived at the golfing center you got out the door a Jin bowed to kiss your hand like a princess. You laughed at his sudden actions "Thank you." you said bowing at him laughing you ran to the Golf center Yelling, "Come On!" you said running getting a sudden response. "I'm Coming." Jk said catching up with you grabbing your hand and you didn't mind because you were having fun.

"Ah wow they are perfect for each other." said Jin to Rm

You walked inside and purchased 8 tickets because you said you wanted to pay you grabbed Jungkook hand and ran to play golf you and him looked at the members as they came in. "Wow Y/N your fast and energetic so different from Rm said Jimin sitting down getting on his phone. "Okay, I'll go first, " you said but not really sure how to play "I kind of don't know how to play." you said with your head down getting a glimpse at Rm shaking his head laughing "Oppa, It's not funny!" You exclaimed "I'll help you." you heard a sudden voice say.

You looked over and saw Jungkook press a button the tablet screen then he handed you a golf club he instructed you on what to do but you didn't do anything he told you to do." Let me lend a hand." he said putting his hand on your waist and the other on your hand. "May I?" he said looking at you as you nodded with you mouth closed your heart was beating thousand miles away from your chest but you wanted him to hold you.

"You two look like a couple." teased Jhope 

"Shut up Hyung." Jungkook said still helping you despite the teasing you thought to yourself "if only you knew Jeon Jungkook how you make me feel." you said to yourself as you were drifting away in your thoughts you forgot you were standing and begin drifting forward losing balance. But Jungkook quickly grabbed you and you were now face to face, but you don't know why but you clenched forward and buried your face in his chest.

As your face was in his chest you were just very weird around guys you like sometimes so you begin patting his back "Hey there buddy." you said as you ran out of the golf place and got in the car you just sat there in the car praying that people just thought that was a normal to do but you begin questioning your positive thought with negative thoughts.

You jumped at someone banging on the window "Hi what are you doing?" asked Rm as you unlocked the door he came and sat next to you.You just twitched your side cheek trying to not pour your heart out "So?" he said looking at you "Ok but don't freak out." you said rubbing your legs sitting up while biting your bottom lip.

"uh oh it sound serious I can't promise you anything." he said smiling a little "RM!" you said trying to convince him "Come on Y/N it can't be that serious." he said slowly frowning "W-what if I told you I'm In love with your bestfriend or I just like him a lot and I can't not hide this cause its becoming hard not to spit those words out while talking to him." you said hoping he would break this long silence among the two of you.

"Why?" he asked upset "Why? I don't know." you answered because to be honest you didn't but you felt like he was the one and you couldn't express that more than your heart could it was just there and you didn't know why.

My Brother and My Crush || J.JK ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now