Part 3

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~6 Months Later~

You haven't seen or talked to jungkook in 6 months and you missed him he stayed in touch and came over and hanged out with the guys but when you weren't around.You just found out that he broke up with that hoe so you had to put up with him moving back in.

"Y/N behave when he comes,OK?" RM said walking away while he slid you a coffee "I'm not a kid!" you yelled with a smirk because you got so much closer with your brother over these years."Hey Y/N.' you heard a familiar voice as you turned around and the he was Jeon Jungkook you missed him you just wanted to run and give him a hug but you were in a fight right now so."Hey." was all you said because you hesitated he came over and sat in front of you.

'What do you want." you said giving him a dirty look "I'm sorry." he said walking away after touching your hand your eyes widened as your heart begin to pump.why did your heart always melt when he was around why did you heart not love him anymore after so long you still wanted him and you felt bad.

"Jungkook." you said stopping him in his tracks as he turned around "I missed you." you said as he went up the stairs.You begin smacking yourself in the head for saying such a stupid thing you begin to finish a college paper cause your doing online college and its your last year.But you head is so far in the clouds you can't so you put it off for later.

You go up to your room passing Rm "Hey sis." he says continuing to walk pass you as you grabbed his arm with your tiny hand "Joonie?" you says looking him in the eye "Yes,whats wrong?" he says fully turning around to look at you "What if I told you I might still love him?"you said smiling a bit walking away as you notice he stands there blank before walking down the stairs.

You brother was like your best friend he always gave good advice and knew what to do so you always told him things no one else could know except your Best Friend in LA.You remembered something and stopped staring in to space and begin to rush to your room with your books while your computer was still downstairs on the table.

While you were running you bumped into jungkook of course and he just happened to have water in his hand that spilled all over you "Ahhh." you said falling to the ground as jungkook did the same.He got up as you were still laying on the ground soaking wet picking up you papers he started to help you with you papers and after you stood looking at him causing you both to catch each other eye he begin to put your hair behind your ear.

"What are you doing?" you said with a smile on your face "i was just uh..uh fixing your hair." he said looking at you"Okay don't do that shit again its weird." you said laughing "Noted." he said walking down the stairs.You smiled to your self like a child getting candy with that look in your eyes.Taehyung came out his room but your were such in a daze your didn't notice "Someone's love dazed." he said snapping his finger in your face.

"uh what." you said honestly confused "Uh uh....have you notice jungkook's back." he said obviously up to something "yeah so." you said trying really hard to hide the blush in your face "Y/n you have something on your face." he said pointing at you "W-what." you said touching your face "Oh nothing it just your blushing." he said walking away laughing.

You speed walked to your room cause its taking forever just to get there you sit on your bed calling y/f/n.


You-Hey y/f/n.

y/f/n-Y/n its been so long how are you.

You-The same as yesterday when we talked.

y/f/n-oh yeah how's your lover.

You-killing me and that's exactly why i called.

y/f/n-Uh oh i don't like the sound of this.

You-Can you come to Korea to give me boy advice.




Y/n-Yay your plane leaves at 6 o,clock pm tomorrow so be ready  i'll send your ticket to you see you tomorrow.

y/f/n-Y/n that soon.

Y/n-Yeah bye see you tomorrow.

You and went to take a shower because you were wet and now so was your bed you got out the shower and put your pajamas on an after went down stairs to get your laptop "Hey guys." you said walking to the living room where they all were sitting down watching a movie with all the lights off and curtains closed so it was obviously a scary movie "yeah." they all said somewhat staring at you "My friends coming from LA tomorrow so be ready for her arrival and she has a boyfriend so don't try.

"Okay." they all said turning back to the movie you started walking away while nodding you head "Hey Y/n come watch with us." jhope said putting a warming smile on his face "Uh okay." you said putting down your laptop and looking for a place too sit "Y/n a spots is right here by me." jk said patting that empty seat by him you walking hesitantly over to the seat "Y/n just sit here i'll sit there." Rm said getting up "No it's fine i'll sit here." you said rushing over to the seat.

You sat down and begin watching you were terrified of scary movies you were very bold sometimes but this is one of your weakness and you regret joining them you tried to look not scared but this one horrifying jump scare came and you couldn't help but jumping into jungkook arms "AHHHHH SHIT." you said of course jumping in his arm causing everyone to laugh and look at you.

You lifted up out of his sweatshirt "Sorry." you said lifting your head up out of his arms "It's okay you can lay your head back here." he said adjusting himself to a comfortable position and you of course laid back.

~Time Skip~

Hours after tons of scary movies everyone was asleep but you.You were were watching episodes of Hello My Twenties in jungkook arms and you honestly did not know if he was sleep or not so you looked up and he was woke he looked down noticing your gaze you and him were on the two seat couch so it was just you and him.You turned around looking at him while sitting on your feet "I'm sorry." you said to him as he looked confused "For what?" he said siting up "For saying those things." you said honestly feeling like the jerk "No i deserved it." he said to you "No one deserved that." you said getting up to go to your room because you were somewhat tired.

But before you could walkway he grabbed you swinging you back on the couch which made a loud noise "Stay here." he said as you nodded your head you turned back to the show but you turned looking at him a couple times.But just on time you stared at him for a long time and you catched his eye you fully turned to him and you two just looked at each other till he grabbed you causing him to hover over you on the couch he leaned in and..........

My Brother and My Crush || J.JK ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now