Part 5

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'I'm thinking about moving back home and it was a surprise and i didn't wanna ruin it or give hints so." you said to cover up the real reasons bit you have been thinking about moving back home with Callie "Really,Okay lets just order pizza instead." you nodded she went back in the house telling the guys we were ordering pizza instead.

                         2 days later

It's been two days and you and Callie were packed since it's your last day was tomorrow you had fun these past days with their company but you haven't really been social with jungkook. You decide to tell the guys tonight while jungkook was at the gym and Callie was  asleep you looked at my phone and saw the time struck 10:43 i looked over and saw a sleepy Callie you decided to go downstairs before the guys come up.

You peeked around the corner to see of jungkook was gone but he was just leaving out the door you tipped toed to the boys and stood in front of the TV  "Y/n,Your not made out of glass you know?" Suga said leaning around past the figure standing in front of the television "I have something to tell you guys and its big really big life changing at that." you said biting at your lower lip "What is you have to tell us." Rm said giving you all his attention with his hands remaining in his lap.

"I'm going back home with Callie." you said fiddling with your hands taking a deep breath "WHAT!" they all yelled "Shh,I know but just don't tell Jungkook." you said hoping they would be warm to the idea of you moving without facing  jungkook "Did Callie but you up to this?" Jin questioned looking you in your eye "What? No guys i made a decision OK." you said walking away but stopped by a voice "Wait,its just that we love you and like having you here." Tae said giving you a puppy look "Don't say that." you told him continuing to walk away.

You weren't sure of your feeling for the guys but you knew they would understand you cuddled back in bed beside Callie.

You woke up to the a bright light flashing in your eyes you flinched at the light and looked away you grabbed your phone and looked at the time that read 12:23 pm you hoped out the bed and went downstairs to look for the guys but nope they weren't here.You jumped at the front door swinging open hitting the wall "Sorry,I put our suitcase in the car for when we leave." Callie said looking up you as she took off her shoes "Good morning," she said walking passed you "Callie?" you said in your rusty morning voice "Yeah." she answered standing in front of you "Can you be quiet when talking about me leaving i told the guys but i'm not telling jungkook so and don't try and talk me out of it i made up my mind." you said walking up the stairs to start your college classes and homework on your laptop.

You looked at the time as you heard a group of people talking down stairs you knew the guys must be home.You looked at you phone and saw a text from Callie "Going to go visit some friends before we leave." you smiled and texted "OK." you looked up you phone saw it was 8:35 and you couldn't believe it been that long when you haven't finished any homework you decided to pack the little stuff.You grabbed a box and went in the bathroom to get all accessories and hair products,soap,and your toothbrush,towel.

You moved too your closet and saw familiar box but you it looked like you haven't touched it in a while it was labeled "Favorite Memories" you grabbed the box and opened it you saw all kinds of pictures with jungkook and you from two years ago or last year you almost teared at the sight but you just put the it in the box.

Once you were done you decided to go upstairs to see the boys.

"Hi everyone." you said causing everyone to look at you "Oh it's you." said jungkook  leaving out of the kitchen "i got bored and i have nothing to do so."you said leaning on the kitchen counter grabbing a banana out of the bowl. "Well,we planned on having a chill day today so everyone just chilling in their rooms ." Rm said looking at you as finished the banana and throw it in the trash.

My Brother and My Crush || J.JK ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now