Chapter 4

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To confront or to not confront? That is the question. I was puzzled but I had a good reason to be. Kendall invited him over for a reason, I'm assuming? She likes him too? Or did he invite himself and then try his best to convince her to go over? Or was I just losing it? God, please help me.

I headed to school Monday morning in my black BMW i3 series, encountering hundreds of cars waiting in traffic whilst I rolled slowly behind them drinking my cold caffe latte that I had just bought from Starbucks – yes, call me a typical white girl if you wish. The scent of the coffee had surrounded me in the car; I felt like I had just taken a shower in gallons of coffee. I, myself, am not a coffee lover. It's the contrary – I dislike coffee strongly with the sole exception of this caffe latte but even that, I drink it only when I'm exhausted and need to keep studying or the other reason, stress.

Stress, stress, stress. I stress a lot. Usually, I stress about tests, exams and well, in this case, confrontation. Then again, it wasn't confrontation since it's not like Kevin and Kendall are even aware that I saw them together but maybe they've suspected something because of not having responded in our group chat for the last 48 hours. Do I come up with an excuse? Do I just sit there and be fake to them? Act as if nothing happened? Do I argue? Do I hang out with Zoe and avoid them? Help. What do I do?

To find a spot in the school parking is very challenging for me since most school staff members or fellow schoolmates clearly do not know how to park. Some occupy two parking spaces at a time, others leave their cars too much on the outside or occupy the whole pavement – ugh, the nerves. That's when I noticed a neon green car park in the parking spot I had went around in a circle to try and park in – Kendall's car. Her car was always kept spotless clean and I'm not even kidding, it'd glow in the dark at times, it was so cool. I chose to quickly leave and find someplace else to park before she'd get out of the car but there they both came out of the car. Kevin and Kendall both laughing and both holding a cup of coffee from Starbucks; it seemed as if they were advertising the coffee with the way they held it and giggled. Crack.

I felt my heart crack. Just a little bit. I couldn't take this. I fled the school parking and drove off to somewhere far away and I didn't care where. All I knew was that I couldn't face them. I wasn't ready to face whatever it was. About an hour later, I reached a viewpoint – it was unreal. I got out of the car and inhaled then exhaled deeply. The air was much cleaner than in the city – it didn't feel like I was inhaling any sort of smoke or other pollutants. This air was fresh. The whole city could be observed from such a distance with my naked eyes alone. The tallest skyscrapers in the city looked so minuscule which made me contemplate that we are very unimportant; our existence means nothing. The dark grey clouds rolled in so swiftly and began to swallow the bright blue sky in huge chunks.

My phone began to ring and vibrate in my pocket – it was Kendall. Second ring. At this point, I wish it was Jenner, not the McAdams I was supposedly friends with. Third ring. Maybe she's worried? Maybe she wants to make sure I'm okay? Fourth ring. Or maybe she realized I'm the more attractive one and she wants me? Or maybe that's my ego talking? Fifth ring. What if something happened to Kevin and she wants me to tell me? Does she need my help? I should answer. She then hung up.

Too late. I knew I couldn't avoid them forever. Just then, drops of rain hit my forehead. It was time for me to get in the car and drive back before the weather worsened and I'd be stuck up here. I started the engine and was on my way back to the city – specifically, back to school. While I was still on my way coming back to school though, this was what happened, or more like what people told me happened at school that day.

Kendall and Kevin were sitting at our regular table as usual but the only two differences that happened to be that day were: 1. I wasn't there and 2. Zoe had approached the table. Before Zoe had approached the table, people had told me that Zoe was seen every two minutes passing by the cafeteria as she was scanning the rest of the building. For what reason, you ask? That will be revealed now when I tell you what she went to ask Kevin and Kendall: "Hey you two, have you seen Kyle today?"

Both Kendall and Kevin turned their heads in such synchronised motion and looked puzzled.

"Why do you ask??" both mumbled but simultaneously were surprised to hear such a question from someone they haven't spoken much with.

"Oh, just wondering... did he not come to school today?" Zoe interrogated.

"CLEARLY NOT," Kendall snapped while pointing to the chair I usually sit in.

Zoe, shocked, walked away and sat down at the table furthest away from Kendall and avoided any eye contact with both Kendall and Kevin.

I finally arrived back to school picturing every possible scenario that could happen once entering the building. Do I just find Zoe and perhaps sit with her? Should I take a break from them? Why do I keep asking you questions anyways if I'm still going to do something different from what you tell me? Eh, this is my story anyways.

I enter the building and reach the cafeteria and that's when I find the table with Kendall and Kevin. They were there sitting next to each other and holding hands. WHAT THE HELL? DID I MISS A WHOLE YEAR OR WAS I JUST BLIND? I then dropped my bag effortlessly on the table separating their hands. A loud bang was heard. Every single person in the cafeteria turned their heads to our table with their mouths wide open.

"You two. Outside. NOW." I said firmly.

That statement was then followed by a whole minute of utter silence. As soon as the three of us left the cafeteria, the chatter began again.  

Rest In Peace, BFFWhere stories live. Discover now