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Edited: 01/02/21

*warning* mentions of sex

my eyes traced brian's slow rising chest as he slept peacefully beside me in his bed. our limbs were all entangled.

brian and i have this... thing. i, honestly, am not sure how to explain our relationship other than this: we like each other, but we only have sex because we are too afraid to start anything. that's how i see it, at least.

most people understood roger to be the person in Queen to be the one who just sleeps with women because he can, but brian did as well.

i won't lie. after the countless late night rendezvous i shared with brian, each time more passionate than the last, i caught myself falling for him. i loved him.

we met at a record store. my h/c hair was thrown up into a messy bun as i scrolled through records after records. music was my escape. little did i know that i would soon find something, someone, else to use as a way of forgetting things needing to be forgotten.

i was looking at a Queen album when a tall, curly haired fellow bumped into me. "oh, sorry there, love! didn't see you..." his sentence trailed off as his eyes fell to my face. "what's your name, beautiful?"

from there, we spent several hours together. sex, hanging out, you name it. it wasn't purely a sexual relationship at first, but it became one when our love for each other became more prominent. yet again, we were two kids in love who didn't want to be hurt.

today was different. as i watched him in bed next to me... it felt right. i couldn't imagine a future where i didn't wake up to brian by by said. more like a refused to imagine. i knew i needed him in my life, but i didn't know how i'd come about telling him how i felt.

brian's eyes flutter gently as he woke up from a restful sleep. "don't stare at me, you creep." his raspy voice joked to me as he softly shoved a pillow onto my face which earned some giggles from me.

"sorry. you're just so handsome." i admitted to the man, playing with his dark, curly locks. wrapping his arm around my waist, he looked into my eyes and asked with a warm grin, "how'd you sleep, y/n?" the response to his question wasn't easy to come up with since a lot was filling up my mind.

"pretty well." i whispered- well, mumbled. i sat up which caused the blanket to fall off my bare body. i didn't care though due to the fact that he's seen me naked many, many times.

"is everything alright, love?" he asked, sitting up as well. i could tell he cared, truly, but it was hard to believe that when all we did was have sex. yeah, we had this thing going, but i wanted more. what i didn't know is that he wanted more, too.

i turned around to where i was looking at the boy and gave a small grin. "i just... want more." brian was confused at first but then broke at into a smirk. "i could always give you more." he teased, nuzzling his face into my neck. his arms wrapped around my waist and tugged me into his lap as he kissed my neck.

my heart raced. every time we were together felt like the first time. i knew i needed to stop this or it would escalate. "no, no, brian." i sighed with slight frustration as i pushed him away from my neck. confusion spread throughout his face and to his eyebrows, causing them to furrow.

"i.. want to be with you," i shakily got out. "i want more than just sex-" before i could continue, i felt brian's lips press against mine.

"i want you, too."



word count: 656

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