Chapter 3: Let's start training

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The next day, Titus went to wake them all up. They were sleeping in a not so big room, all of them together. They didn't have beds though. They had one makeshift sleeping bag and a blanket each. Clarke wasn't sleeping with them. She had her own room, but she also didn't have a bed. She wasn't allowed privileges. She was there to train, not have fun.

"Good morning! " Titus shouted causing everyone to jump.

"What the hell?!" Murphy mumbled covering his face with his pillow.

"Today is the first day of training. You should have eaten breakfast already. Quickly, get ready and meet me in five minutes in the dining room." Titus told them before heading out.

"Oh great!" Jasper complained.

"Come on, are you all ready? I don't want to piss him off more." Raven said.

"Yeah let's go." Bellamy finally said and they all walked to the dining room.

When they arrived at the dining room Lexa told them to sit down around the table. Clarke and Titus were also in the room, sitting next to Lexa.

"I want to welcome you to Polis! Here you will be trained as warriors like every child of the 12 Clans, although you are a little older than our other trainees. Titus will only train you and our nightblood, Clarke. He told me you met her yesterday. She will be helping you with your training. And do not think that because she is only 17 years old, she is not stronger than you!", Lexa told them with a laugh. Clarke was way better than them and all of them knew it. "Now please eat! You have to begin training soon." she said and left.

On the table there were a lot of fruits, nuts and some meat. There was also something that looked like a pie. They all eat. A lot! Clarke didn't eat that much. She only eat an apple and some nuts.

After they were all done eating, they followed Titus into the training room.

The training room was enormous! It was split in four corners. One of the corners had huge wooden poles that looked like trees and bars on the walls and on the ceiling. Another corner had mats and sacks filled with sand along with a lot of other wrestling equipment. The third corner was full of knifes, swords, blades of all sizes, spars and more. And finally, the last corner had bows, arrows, knifes and targets on the walls and on the ceiling in different heights and sizes.

"Today we are going to start with more simple things. Sparing! Everyone grab a spar from over there." he told them. "Alright now, I will set you in pairs."

"Jasper and Monty." he said and the two boys high-fived themselves.

"Raven and Murphy" Murphy smiled secretly. He wanted to be with Raven. He was also glad he wasn't paired with Clarke. He was scared of her.

"And finally, Bellamy, you will be paired with Clarke." Clarke looked at Bellamy from top to bottom. She was trying to find any weak spots but she couldn't find any. She was pissed at that!

Titus told them to start sparing and they did.

Murphy let Raven win, because he knew that she always wanted to win. He made sure though to look strong and loose by accident, so that he wouldn't humiliate himself.

Jasper and Monty were just messing around. It was hard to keep track of who was winning. They both fell on the flour a lot and they didn't really hit each other, they just made each other trip and they also laughed a lot.

Titus had asked Clarke to go easy on Bellamy, because he wasn't trained. Despite that, Clarke was really angry with Bellamy, but she didn't really know why. She tried to hit him hard but not hard enough to get Titus attention. She didn't want to disobey him, but for some strange reason, she wanted to beat and humiliate Bellamy. He was strong though. And fast. Her spar didn't touch him not even ones! But he didn't hit Clarke either.

Suddenly, Bellamy made Clarke trip over his spar, causing her to fall on the ground. Everyone stopped sparing and stared at Clarke, then at Bellamy and then back at Clarke. Afterwards, Bellamy offered Clarke his hand to help her up. Clarke looked at him with anger. She just stood up by herself, ignoring Bellamy's help. Then, Titus came towards them.

"Klark! (Clarke!)" Titus shouted at her. Clarke had her head down. She looked scared. "Em teik daun yu! Disha laik shidi! (He beat you! This is awful!)" he said upset. "Nou dina gon yu naton! (No dinner for you tonight!)" and with that he left.

"Sha Seda. (Yes teacher.)" Clarke whispered sadly. She knew she couldn't cry, she couldn't show any weakness. But she wanted to cry. Titus was never upset with her before. She was always perfect. She made him angry with her because of Bellamy. That's what she thought.

Now she hated him so much! She could so easily beat him, but she didn't. She wasn't focused on the sparring. She was more focused on him. She was thinking about how angry she was with him for absolutely no reason! At first, she thought he was cute but she quickly buried that thought. She shouldn't think like that! First of all, she was training and she needed to be focused on only that! Second, he was Skaikru and Skaikru is bad. And finally, she would become Heda and that burden has to be carried alone. The commander never gets married. They can't even have a relationship! Love is weakness. It could get you killed. That's what Clarke had been taught.

She didn't know much about love. She cared about Titus because he practically raised her, but he was tough and distant from her. She also loved the commander, because well, she is the commander and Clarke was supposed to do anything for her, but she also loved her as a friend, as a big sister. They spend time together when Lexa wasn't too busy. They fought together at war; Clarke was Lexa's second. They trained together sometimes. Lexa would always advise Clarke and she would always teach her about fighting or about what it's like to be the commander. She told her stories about the past commanders and stories about their peoples past. Clarke truly cared about her. She really wished she never had to become commander because she didn't want Lexa to fall. But she knew that was unlikely. All the commanders died before they reached their forties. Most of them didn't even reach their thirties.

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