These questions have been answered by: ViolinaBlonk.
1. What is the title of your story?
A. Back Then.
2 What is the genre of the story?
A. Action.
3. Can you give us the summary to your story?
A. Orphans who fall in a book and go back in time.
4. What gave you inspiration and ideas for the story?
A. It was a dream I had.
5. Why do you think that your story is good for people to read?
A. I don't know.
6. Do you feel motivated to do more when people vote and leave good comments on your story?
7. How do you feel when a bad comment is posted on your story? Anything to say to those haters?
A. It hurts me.
8. Lastly, anything to say to those who read your story?
A. Would you like to join the characters as they go back in time?