💚Chapter Four💚

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"Sayori? Can I spend the night? I, uh, really don't wanna go home..."

Sayori looked up from her meal that she was nearly done with to see Natsuki averting her eyes withna completely cleared plate. Not even a single crumb was left of anything. She was twirling her cup around in her hand, the sound of ice clanking around the cup. No swish. She must have drank every last drop of her inferior soda. #PepsiSquad4Life. Sayori dropped the sandwich on her plate, not taking the giant bite she wanted to take. She smiled at Natsuki, the last thing she wants for her is to be saddened.

"Of course you can! You can stay here for as long as you'd like!"

"Really? Then can I stay the whole weekend?"

"Natsuki, wouldn't your Dad-"

"No. He won't mind."

She answered that really quickly, it concerned Sayori quite a lot. Was everything okay for Natsuki at home? She wanted to console her through her problems, but it's not her place to push her further into a dark place. She wasn't going to ask her about her home life. Ever since her mom died that subject had always been touchy. Yet another reason why the two of them had grown distant going into Highschool.

Sayori wasn't feeling that hungry anymore. She gsthered her plate and Natsuki's, scooping the leftover crumbs from her own spot onto her plate, and there everything away. Natuski just sat there while Sayori took the cups and placed them on the counter. They can always reuse them later, right? Sayori began washing her hands in the kitchen sink, blowing bubbles out of the dish soap bottle when she used It, when Natsuki finally decided to speak again after a period of silence.

"Sayori, I know you didn't memorize that song. You have the memory of a jellyfish. Is there something you're not telling me? I thought we told eachother everything."

"Oh, uh, that... Don't worry about that. It's just, uh... Let's just call it a mental thing."


Sayori sighed. She really didn't want to talk about this. She has never opened up about this before. She googled it and her doctor told her after she asked about it while going in to get some antidepressants which she doesn't like to use most of the time. She went over for her notebook and brought it back to the table. She opened up to the page of Epic iii and flipped it around, showing it to Natsuki. She doesn't want want to dissapoint her so she might as well tell her about her condition. And not the chronic depression one.

"I have Chromesthesia. When I hear music notes I see colors. Colors as in little flashing lights. So I color in pages with the notes, making them different colors and shapes for however long I hold the notes. So I can read one of them and visualize the lights I need to see, and then play the song accordingly. I learned how to do the same with singing. I know I'm not very good and you probably think I'm the weirdest person in the entire world. I'm sorry."

Sayori played with her thumbs, eyes everywhere except on Natsuki for once. She heard the notebook sliding on the table and she heard Natsuki flipping through the pages. Suddenly Natsuki tried singing. She sounded like a dying cat. There was a flickering orange light. It was very sparkly and looked like it wanted to hang itself. Big same little orange light. Sayori whipped her head up, Natsuki stopping when she did so, and the light died out. 

"What color was that?"

She didn't think she was weird? No discrimination? She wasn't going to leave or laugh at her or not believe her? Natsuki looked at the art, smiling. Was she amazed? She looked amazed. And Natsuki doesn't get amazed too often. Sayori paused for a second. Should she tell her about how horrible that sounded and looked? She just wanted to know the colors so...

"Orange. That note was orange. Kind of a pale orange since it was a higher note."

Natsuki looked really showed happy from that. She tried singing a sentence instead, her voice a lot less croaked. Like she was relaxed this time and not a smile nervous about it. Was she just trying to get it to work? She sung a simple "is he worth it, jeremyyyYyYyyyYyyYYY? Is he?" from her giants crush's song from one of her fsvoeite musicals and Sayori saw lots of pinks, oranges, and a filter between the two and some yellow at the riff. Sayori just laughed and smiled, enjoying how much childlike winderis going into this for Natsuki.

"Lots of warm colors. Pale pinks, oranges, and yellows. Kind of like your aesthetic right now. Oh that was weird, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about that, you dummy! But that's so cool! You can hear colors! Does that mean when we listened to musicals and watched television you could see colored lights too? That's so awesome! Can you sing something for me again? Uh, not that I want you to or anything! I just, uh, really like your voice and think those Chromo-thesis thing is really cool."

"Chromoethesia. And yeah, I don't mind. I kinda don't wanna play ukulele right after eating since my hands are kinda wet. But I'll sing something."


Sayori's couldn't resist. Natsuki said she liked her voice. Natsuki said she thought her mental colored lights condition was cool. Sayori fekt motivated to sing and do music again. Now, what song should she sing acapella? She could clap a beat behind her voice to keep her on track. Natsuki said the book over to her, since she does in fact have the memory of a jellyfish, and Sayori noticed the song on the front. Lemon Boy. Natsuki always did like the cavetown songs. Sayori grinned. She cleared her throat and began tapping the table to get the best down in her head. Natsuki was really excited.

She drummed the best on the table, getting herself hyped up, she felt like she actually wanted to do anything musical for the first time in a long while, and she began to sing.

💜💙💚💛🧡❤️Have a Wonderful Day Kings, Queens, and NonBinary Monarchs!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

It's All So Pretty [Satsuki] (Chromesthesia AU)Where stories live. Discover now