💜Chapter Six💜

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Sayori looked over at Natsuki, who was leaning her head on her shoulder and watching the movie she insisted they watch together before Sayori went to sleep. It was an anime movie, and Natsuki proclaimed it as her favorite. If you remember which one it was from last chapter, congratulations. You payed attention. Here's your figurative gold star. Sayori exoected herself to pass out asleep by now, but no. She was wide awake and she was just watching Natsuki watch the movie. Her hearts wasn't racing and she wasn't blushing. She just... was. It was calm and Sayori fekt at peace for the first time in a long while. Suddenly the words came out of her mouth before she could process them herself.

"Hey Natsuki? What would you do if someone told you they loved you?"

"Well, it depends. If it's a boy I didn't know I'd kick him as hard as I could where the sun don't shine and tell him to buzz off. If I knew him then I'd try it, maybe be w bit embarrassed.  Now shush! I'm trying to watch the movie!"

She didn't skip a beat, but she didn't exactly say the words Sayori wanted to hear. She instantly went with masculine pronouns as references. Sayori pursed her lips, knowing she really shouldn't disturb Natsuki from her movie again. She could get upset! But Sayori felt like this was something she really needed to ask... so she just went for it.

"What if a girl told you she loved you?"

Natsuki suddenly lunged her arm across Sayori's body, snatching the remote from the arm of the couch and pausing the movie. What did Sayori say wrong? Natsuki whipped her face around to look at Sayori's. She was brushed over a shade of bright pink that made her hair green with envy. She had her hands balled into fists and she legit punched Sayori's shoulder. It really hurt. What did she say wrong!? Natuski never hit her of all people so hard before! It... it really hurt her emotionally too...

"Sayori you're such a big dummy! You don't just say that out of the blue! You're such an idiot! You can't just get someone's hopes up like that! You have to ask someone that in a better context not just right out of the open! That's a 'first date' kind of question not a 'chilling at your house watching movies' question! Jeez, you're absolutely hopeless! What am I going to do with you?"

She let out a puff of air, pushing her bangs out of her eyes lazily and crossing her arms. Her blush seemed to have died down with the scolding she gave Sayori. That still didn't answer her question. Natsuki could see the cloudiness of sadness in her eyes, and then she let down her guard. She realized she had hurt Sayori in protecting her pride. She dropped her arms and she cast her eyes to the side. She may as well answer that stupid question, should she? Natsuki's heart was beating so fast unlike Sayori's. Why did she have to be so embarrassed all the time?! Well, it's justified right now... but still!

"Uh, yeah. Same goes for if I was asked out by a girl... If I knew her well I'd at least giver her, umm... yeah. I'd give her a chance depending on who she was. But she'd have to treat me really well and have a really good confession!"

Sayori fekt her heart heal a little bit with that affirmation. So Natsuki wasn't straight. Good. She did have a chance. Sayori got up from the couch, unwrinkled her clothing, and went to go get something. She didn't feel like singing or playing ukulele, her eyes were very tired and she didn't want to see the lights. The movie itself had very tiny colors going with it too, so she was drained. She took her notebook and ripped out a piece of paper. By doing a trick she learned in kindergarten she ripped it a little bit and crinkled it to become a rose. She looked st her work and went back to Natsuki, who was still sitting on the couch. She saw the rose and saw Sayori bend down on one knee and she lost all words.

"Is this a good enough confession for you?"

"Shut up! And fine! I'll be your girlfriend."

"Wow, that was easy."


Natsuki took the paper rose and twirled it in her fingertips. Sayori was a magical girl, wasn't she? She had so many creative talented like art, music, and everything! Everything she did was so pretty. Sayori was so pretty. It's all so pretty! Hey, that's the name of this fanfic! Roll credits! Lol. Sayori sat down next to Natsuki, wrapping her arm around her shoulders. That was a lot easier than she thought. Natsuki leaned her head on Sayori's shoulder again, Sayori unpairing the movie for the two of them. But now they both were smiling and Sayori was actually paying attention. 

She felt happier than ever before.

The End

835 Words

It's All So Pretty [Satsuki] (Chromesthesia AU)Where stories live. Discover now