It Always Starts So Cliché

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And sorry, but this story is no different.

Gameknight was so f*cking done with Herobrines's crap.

Yeah, he was so done that he had run out of the house.

Now he was realizing he would probably regret that choice in the near future, and so he had sat down in a nearby McDonalds to think. Herobrine and Gameknight had been married for two years, and altho that was not a long time in the scheme of things, it was a lot longer than he had expected their marriage to last. He had just found out that his husband was cheating on him, but he did not know with who, they had escaped through the window before he had been able to see their face.

For all Gameknight knew Herobrine had only ever known him as more than a crush and didn't ever contact anyone else from where he used to live, but that did not matter, he could have done it in secret. It wasn't that Gameknight prevented Herobrine for talking to other people, it was just that Herobrine never wanted to, so Gameknight didn't force him to. He knew about Herobrine's horrific past and about his anxiety and didn't want to make it worse by forcing him to talk to the people who hurt him in the first place.

But maybe Herobrine had been faking it all.

Maybe he had just been lying and only used Gameknight for his own sick pleaser, and Gameknight never noticed?

"No," he said aloud, accidentally drawing the attention of a women at a nearby table, she was listening to a mashup of 'Girls Know How To Fight' and 'Bad Girls Club' on her phone, it looked interesting. He waved at her to say sorry and she looked away again. Then he went back to thinking about Herobrine.

Herobrine couldn't have lied to him for so long. It was simply impossible, they had been truly in love... right?

He shuddered at the thought that Herobrine might have been just married him to used him sexualy. All he could do was hope that that hadn't been his husband's only intention when they had married each other. He should have been mad, he shouldn't even care what the cheating b*cht thought, but for him, he had truly been in love.

He groaned and stood up, ready to leave and contemplate his life in a better place where he could cry in private.

As he walked past the table of the girl he had disturbed earlier she stood up, and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" She asked as he turned to face her, she had one earbud still in but with a quick glance at her phone he realized her music was paused.

He hesitated to answer her, how was it her business why he had came into a McDonalds at three in the morning, not ordered anything, then sat down at a table for hours without doing anything but trying not to cry?

When she didn't get an answer Hunter's brow furrowed, people like this were always difficult, but they were also fascinating. 

"Hey," she added, "you look tired, I'll get you a coffee," she pulled him over to the counter despite his protest and ordered a coffee for him, she was always persistent with people who looked like they needed help.

When she finally got the coffee she gave it to Gameknight, then sat him down at her table. She let him have a minute or so of silence before she finally spoke, "If you like tea more I could get you some, but its always so sweat here, honestly disgusting stuff in my opinion, but if you want it instead I'll buy that and I can drink the coffee."

"No no no," Gameknight said awkwardly, "Its fine, I should really just leave..."

As he got up from the table Hunter stood up too, following him out the door.

"Just give me a chance," Hunter said, "If you ever feel... I don't know, like you need help just contact me okay?"

"How would I do that?" Gameknight groaned as he turned around, "I don't even know who you are, why should I..." But he trailed off when he saw that Hunter had pulled out a card, "what is this?" He asked as he took it.

"A business card," she answered simply, "If you want I can help you, and truthfully, I think you need help, like, a lot of help."

"I- I don't need help!" Gameknight stuttered, trying to hand her the card back, but she clasped her hands behind her back, "look," Gameknight said, "I am responsible, you can keep the coffee you bought for me, I didn't want it in the first place!"

"I didn't say you weren't responsible, I just said that you need help, and lucky for you I can help you," Hunter smiled at him, "please keep the card, it's yours now."

They stood there staring at each other, trying to see who would give in, and as she always did, Hunter refused to be that person.

Finally Gameknight gave in and backed up, "Fine," he said, "I'll think about it."

Hunter's eyes lit up, "Good, I'll see you soon then!" then she walked back to her car, leaving Gameknight even more confused than he had started.

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