The Reason (4)

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Story Time

Narrator/Isabella: Before, we had an amazing friendship, just like any other. It's true we didn't have a lot of things in common, but it was nice spending time with them, it was so much fun! But one day something happened, we had one of our many sleepovers, this time it was at Victoria's house. I remember it was Saturday, Victoria's birthday if I remember well.

Listener/Elena: When's her birthday?

Narrator/Isabella: Sorry, but I forgot, long time since celebrating and I'm so bad remembering dates! Anyway, at the beginning it was a normal sleepover. All fun and games, until Stephania and Anastasia left the room. Victoria, I don't know what happened or what she said but, the other two left her bedroom. It was only her and I.

Listener/Elena: So they went out of the room, leaving you guys alone? Ok.

Narrator/Isabella: Exactly. So when they left, Victoria came closer to me and asked me "Hey, there's been rumors that you're lesbian. So? ", I got extremely embarrassed.

Listener/Elena: - shocked - Wait! Are you?

Narrator/Isabella: No! Well,basically I told her that no, I wasn't lesbian. After that she leaned forward and touched my knee, then later said "Are you sure?". Right after we did eye contact and before I could notice I was looking at her lips before our mouths later touched.

Listener/Elena: Holy moly!

Narrator/Isabella: Exactly! When she got away I got up and said "What's wrong with you?!". Right after Anastasia and Steph entered the room and look puzzled. When I looked at them then I noticed they were holding hands. When I saw that I instantly yelled " OMG NOT YOU GIRLS TOO! ". Anastasia then asked " What are you talking about Isabella? I'm just holding my girlfriends hand".

Listener/Elena: Oh,so that's why they acted like that before.

Narrator/Isabella: Yeah. When she told me that I instantly panicked, got my stuff and left. Next school day Victoria wanted to talk to me alone and I accepted. She met me in class 1K at Lunch, and she apologized for what she did, that she really loved me and she didn't expect that reaction. I obviously accepted her apology but told her to never touch me ever again in that way.

Listener/Elena: So you got mad cause she liked girls?! Damn, that's not right.

Narrator/Isabella: No no no no! That's just the beginning.

Listener/Elena: - calmed - Oh ok, then continue.

Narrator/Isabella: Some time later we kept talking and being friends and all. I apologized to Anastasia and Steph for saying that, I don't know why but I was just angry at the moment. Everything went well, they forgave me and stuff. Victoria kept looking at me with lusty eyes and always examined my body with her stare,she also told me compliments. Next sleepover is when I snapped, it was in Stephs. The thing is we had to change and everything, we organized who went first. The order was An, Vic, me, and Steph.

Listener/Elena: Don't you say it An, Vic, Steph and I? An is Anastasia?

Narrator/Isabella: No, I was before Steph in the showers,and yeah, An is her. So, I showered and changed, all calm and nice, when I passed by the kitchen I saw Steph and An making out. I actually found it really cute, they are actually so nice together.

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