holly jolly

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part one

the next day, nancy wheeler walked through halls feeling different. she felt as if all eyes were on her. like everyone knew about the events that had transpired the night before and were judging her and scrutinizing her every move because of it. as she walked to her locker, with every step she felt self-conscious. an all-consuming feeling that plagued her mind.

on the other hand, lydia henderson walked through the halls painfully hungover. she had spent the night at steve's and had him drive her to school due to her immense headache and nausea. halfway through the drive, she demanded that steve pull over so she could vomit on the side of the road. despite the medicine she took before leaving, the pounding against her skull was still unbearable. she wished she was still feeling as euphoric as she did last night with her nice outfit and all the alcohol in her system, she felt like she was invincible. now she was standing with her head in a locker in steve's hoodie and steph's leggings and she wanted to die.

"how're you feeling party animal?" lydia took her head out of the locker and faced stephanie. she shook her head very slowly before walking with her friend to class. the girl knew better than to talk while the brunette was in this state. it was best to just be there for her and walk in silence. so that's what they did.


by the time lunch time rolled around, lydia was feeling much better. her pounding headache had subdued to a dull ache and she no longer felt like death itself. however, she was still exhausted. steph was finishing up kaminsky's test which left her with no one to talk to at a table full of people. she leaned her head on steve's shoulder with her eyes shut, trying to find some peace but this was very difficult for her considering she was "friends" with tommy and carol who lacked volume control. luckily, she had tuned out most of the conversation but became interested when she heard nancy say barb's name.

"hey tommy, when you left did you see barb?" tommy, being as useless as ever had no idea who nancy was talking about. "barbra. she's not here today." when she heard this, lydia sat up straight, ignoring the rush of blood to her head.

"i seriously don't know who you're talking about." she rolled her eyes and leaned over to flick tommy square in the forehead. "ow what the hell, henderson?"

"come on, don't be an ass, man. did you see her leave last night or not?" steve was clearly done with the the couple's bullshit and everyone could see it. tommy finally gave a real answer.

"no, she was gone when we left." lydia mentally thanked him for finally complying and bringing some peace to the table. however, it didn't last for long because carol decided to open her mouth.

"probably couldn't stand listening to all that moaning." she said before both her and the freckled teen proceeded to make obscenely loud moaning sounds. lydia was still too hungover for this shit. she slammed her fists down on the table, making everyone jump.

"listen here wastoid's, i am too hungover to deal with your bullshit right now so i suggest that you two stop being complete dickheads before i kick your shit in." the girl was relatively well-mannered and was known for keeping her cool when a situation went south. but she was not going to take shit from tommy and carol when her friend was missing, especially not when she was hungover. the two went quiet at her sudden outburst as steve smirked at her in amazement. he turned his attention back to his girlfriend, reassuring her that barb was fine. but the two girls next to him had serious doubts.


still exhausted from lunch, lydia sought to find a dark quiet place to spend her free period. so, she went to the obvious spot. the dark room. on her way there she bumped into jonathan byers who seemed quite frazzled. he muttered a quick sorry before running off. she shook it off and entered the room and was greeted by one of carol's friends, nicole.

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