the monster

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part two

the sound of the phone ringing woke lydia up from her deep sleep. she frantically crawled out of steve's arms to answer the phone and was prepared to yell at whoever was calling her this early in the morning. she picked up the receiver and wasn't given a chance to speak due to a distressed nancy who was talking a mile a minute.

"lyds, you gotta meet me and jonathan at the hunting and camping store on main street in 20 minutes, we figured stuff out and i'll tell you when you get here okay love you bye." and with that she hung up. lydia didn't know what to do with this information. she just stared at the phone in confusion before putting it back in it's place and going back to bed.

"who was that?" steve groaned. he wiped the tiredness out of his eyes as he sat up and looked at his friend. she didn't want to say that it was nancy because it would cause him to question what they were doing and it would prompt him to ask if he could tag along. not that she didn't want steve there, but she doubted that he would be thrilled to see his girlfriend and best friend hanging out with jonathan byers. "uh, it was, uh, steph." she lied.

"steph is awake this early on a saturday? that's a shocker." saturday. what's so important about saturday? lydia wondered. then, it hit her. she sat up quickly, startling steve, before clumsily grabbing her phone off the table and dialing the numbers quite aggressively. the ringing made the seconds stretch out so that it felt like hours. at this point, the boy that sat in her bed was more confused than ever- but that wasn't new.

"what's happening? why did you have a seizure trying to get your pho-" she shushed him as she waited for the familiar voice on the other line.


"lawrie!" she exclaimed. steve's face contorted into a smile. she had forgotten that her boyfriend came home yesterday, and although he knew the situation was probably nerve-wracking for the girl, it was pretty damn funny to watch. "yeah sorry, about, uh, yesterday. i had will's funeral then there was the wake then dustin needed some help and then nancy and i hung out it was a whole thing. what? no i didn't forget. i mean, i forgot to call you because nance kept me up all night just talking about stuff and i- what? oh yeah. definitely. how about dinner? we can go to enzo's and dress all fancy and stuff. yeah. yup. okay sounds good. i'll tell nance you said hi. okay love you too. bye." she hung up the phone and sighed deeply before sinking under the covers.

"i'm a bad girlfriend." her voice was muffled from her comforter. moving the covers down so that he could see her face, steve looked her in the eye. she expected him to say something that would make her feel better about this whole situation, but she was mistaken.

"yeah you kinda are, that was smooth, forgetting he was home and all." he gave her an annoying grin to which she responded with grabbing one of her pillows and hitting him. repeatedly. they eventually moved into a position where lydia was sat on her knees next to steve who was curled up in a ball protecting his hair from the pillow.

"hope i messed up your hair, you deserve it buttmunch." however her victory was short lived because she was tackled onto the floor. she groaned as her friend landed on top of her, crushing her with his body. "i can't breathe stevie." she hit his back repeatedly, causing him to roll off her and onto the floor. they lay side by side on the ground, staring up at the ceiling that was covered in glow in the dark stars. a comfortable silence settled between them and they enjoyed this moment of peace that was a break from their normally hectic lifestyles. she took a breath and remembered all the peaceful moments that she had experienced with her best friend and was immediately thankful that she had such an outrageous spazz as a companion. she didn't know what she would do without him.

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