017| evaluations

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SAY THE NAME SEVENTEEN! please stan SEVENTEEN, you should if you are reading this because we love Xu Minghao.

"How does it feel to be in A?" PD questioned Chunhua and Taiyun.

Out of all the C-rank trainees, only Lin Chunhua, Li Taiyun, He Chengxi, and Feng Junjie moved up to A-rank.

Feng Junjie told is if he didn't make it to A, he won't eat for 3 days and it broke the girls' hearts.

"Junjie-ge, please do eat, it's bad if you don't," Jiejin spoke from her place in B-rank.

"Thank you Jiejin, now how do your members feel about it?" PD said directing everyone's attention to Chunhua and Taiyun.

"Actually, I think our MeiMeis would speak better for us," Taiyun says, holding her tears as Chunhua passed the mic to Quiyang.

"Weird enough, I agree," Quiyang joked, holding in some tears also. "My Jiejies have all worked hard for this moment. All we do is practice and practice so on this show we made a promise."

"We said that we won't be discouraged for not getting in A-rank because we are proud of the others who have. And for the ones that aren't in A, then we will work harder," Jiejin spoke, siping some tears that have fallen.

"My Jiejie, especially Tai-Jie has worked too hard for this moment. Li Taiyun, I love you so much and thank you for being so strong for me," Chunhua says when Quiyang handed her the mic.

"And my MeiMei's," Taiyun spoke, taking the mic from Chunhua. "I love all of you. You all are the reason why I'm standing here with Chunhua and we are waiting. Jia you!"

"Wow, I think I was also brought to tears," PD said, looking at the four girls.

After so silent cries, PD went to D-rank, F-rank, and finally A-rank.

"Jia you MeiMeis!" Chunhua and Taiyun screamed when they got called up.

"You better join us!" Wenjun yelled from A-rank.

Jiejin and Quiyang were the last ones to be called.

"Today, many of you rose and many of you didn't. That's okay because I support all of you," Quiyang spoke int her mic, given by PD.

"And what do you have to say Jiejin?"

"I would like to say that these past three days have been the most stressful in my life. But I know it's all going to be worth it because I have my Jie's and mei's by my side."

"Than your name should be Jiemei, not Jiejin," Quiyang says smiling to Jiemei-Jiejin.

"You better be lucky we are on camera," Jiejin says rolling her eyes.

"Anyways, Here are your grades," PD says handing the folded blue paper with their grade.

Jiejin opened hers first to only sigh and bow. Quiyang can only think she got a bad grade.

Jiejin walked passed F, D, C, B but stopped and looked at all the trainees, then she went up to A.

"Jia you Mei Mei," Jiejin yelled at the top

Quiyang opened her grade to only tear up than bowed to her mentors and went up the steps.

F, D, C, B and stopped like Eve did before her.

"Jia you." Is the only thing Quiyang could say before she ran up to her sisters' arms.

"I made it," the girl cries in their arms.

When Quiayng finally stopped crying Yixing did his speach.

(To save my tears and yours we are not adding it :)

"Citizen producer, please take care of us." Yixing starts and the trainees' ends.

"I knew you would all make it," Hua says smiling.

"Yeah because you ranked us do you knew we would make it," Chunhua says rolling her eyes.

"Hey, you girls are going to come to lunch or do you want us to go ahead?" Wenhan says popping his head through the doorframe.

"You girls can go, I'll see you, girls, later," Hua says as the girls leave the room.

"I'm scared for the live performance," Taiyun says walking out where the group is.

"Well, 青春 never waits for anyone," Quiyang says running ahead of the group.

"Stop doing puns," Wenhan says running up to Quiyang.

"Never!" Quiyang says running faster.

"Wait for us," Jiejin says running with the others.

"How can you run so fast," Jia Yi says panting.

"Because 青春有我," Quiyang says laughing making her way to the food.

"Like GOT7 said HAJIHAJIMA."
(Stop stop it)

Their dinner was basically everyone yelling at Quiyang to stop the puns.

"I'm not ready for tomorrow," Chunhua admits laying on her bed.

"Well we are just calling family so it can't be that bad right?" Jiejin asked, falling asleep.

Qing Chun You Ni - IDOL PRODUCER 2Where stories live. Discover now