eighteen ☆ plans

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Marie sat up in bed and looked at her closet before walking to it. Once she was in front of her closet, she picked out an outfit then ate breakfast quickly and went to the car. Grace, Pedro, and Rosalinda got into the car moments later, Bibles in hand and ready for church. After a short drive distance wise, the four arrived at church.

As soon as they walked in, they found a pew and sat down. While they sat, they chatted for a bit until the worship began. Once worship finished, their pastor, Delphine Peterson delivered the sermon.

"I want you all to think back on the span of your lifetime, from birth until now, and think of all the good you've done. Have you helped others, preached the Word to them, prayed over your enemies or anything of the sort? If so, you've done well, and you should keep doing such things. There are times, though, when we're doing good and God throws a wrench in those plans or our future plans to do good. Other times, he takes back home those doing good because they need to do good in Heaven. When He takes those people home, don't be sad."

As she sat in the pew, with Grace holding her hand as a way to reassure her, Marie froze. She had lost Cameron, someone who had done so much good while on Earth; and a person that God took home. She sat, motionless, as the pastor continued.

"He took them back for a reason. They served their purpose here, but have a greater purpose in Heaven. So, when he takes them, don't be sad. Be happy that you met them, and grateful for the work that they were able to do. You're able to mourn and all that but, mostly, be glad they lived their lives and did the work that they were passionate about or in areas where they wished to see change."

Marie gasped quietly. As the pastor spoke those words, she felt as if the message was directed at her.
Once the service was over, she left and went home.

As soon as she was home, she grabbed her notebook.

[ "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." ] — Jeremiah 29:11


Today marks the first time I've gone to church since your passing. I soon realized that I have to rely on God and my faith to get some peace. While there, the pastor talked about people doing good things in the world and how those people sometimes get taken back home to Heaven because they served their purpose here and needed to serve it up there. Everything she said spoke to me. I'll carry good things with me because it's what you did. Throw away the negativity, doubt...anything that isn't good, I'm going to throw away. Grow thick skin. All my days, for the rest of my life...I won't let bad things get me down. I'm proud of you for your accomplishments. From the Thirst Project, to that homelessness thing that you helped out at in Los Angeles, and the ways that you used your platforms...I'm so proud of you. In the entirety of your life, you've done more good than most do in a lifetime. For all that you did, I'm proud of you. You truly were an angel, and you're one now. I'll see you again someday. Fly high, love. Do more good up there; I know you will. I love you so much. Forever and always proud of you, your accomplishments and the person you were.

Yours forever,


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