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Marie sat at the dining table, her breakfast in front of her and fork in hand. She jabbed her fork into her eggs and moved them around her plate, not eating. A frown was on her lips, and her eyes watered. To even think of Cameron without remembering that he wasn't around hurt her.
As she was about to jab her eggs again, her father spoke. "Marie, we need to talk."
Marie sighed softly and looked at her parents and sister who sat in front of her.
Rosalinda spoke up. "Mija. Entendemos que Cameron significó mucho para ti y que lo amabas, pero apenas comes, ahora hablas muy poco y te mantienes solo y eso no es del todo saludable."
"Even though this is more personal than anything and you're allowed to grieve, you should talk to us about it all. Yes, we might not understand everything that you need to say or how you need to express it but we're here to listen if you'll let us." Pedro said.
Grace stated, "We know this hurts, M, but we just want to help."
"You want to help me?" Marie spoke up. "It took you four days to finally talk to me, Grace! Mami, papi, not once did you two ask me what was wrong or say anything. You let me be."
Pedro stood from his seat. "We understood what was wrong but we let you be because you were grieving. We didn't disturb you because of that but we're here now; we only wanted to give you some time."
Marie sighed and stood from her seat, grabbed her plate and put it on the counter. "Thank you for giving me that time, but I—I'm just not ready to talk about it all yet. I'm getting through it, in my own way, okay? I appreciate you three being here and I love you for it but I still just need some more time."
Rosalinda, Pedro, and Grace nodded in understanding. After seeing them nod, Marie walked into the family room and over to the coffee table where her Bible and notebook sat. Once she sat in front of the coffee table, she opened up her notebook.
[ "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and mg burden is light." ] — Matthew 11:28-30
When we met or first started talking, I wasn't sure where we would end up; but I never thought we would end up together, as a couple. I felt like Cinderella, somewhat, since I met you but didn't think I would see you again. Being with you felt like a dream, a fairytale that had yet to experience its happy ever after. But life or love isn't a fairytale crafted by Walt Disney or the company that you worked for. Instead, our relationship was one full of love, kindness, encouragement, support and loads of generosity. But when our relationship first started out as only texting and I told you about my anxiety with dancing with my cousins, my mom said that Grace and I would find our princes at some point in time which prompted Grace to joke that I had already found my prince (in you). At the time, I didn't have a response for that particular statement but as time went on, I agreed with it but never voiced such a thing. And now, that you're no longer here, I feel as if I can no longer agree with it. I now have mixed emotions with that statement. With being my "prince," how could you be if you left? I mean, aren't princes supposed to stay with their princesses and not leave? Perhaps you were my prince but it was just your time to go; or perhaps you left, not only because it was your time to go, but also because you weren't actually the man meant to be my prince, who knows. Yes, I said I have mixed feelings but I don't care about them anymore. I cared about you and I loved you; so much that I would've gladly given up my final breaths to tell you those three words that hold strong meaning. My mom sometimes says that people walk in or out of your life for a reason. Your reason for walking out wasn't out of want, I know that, but because you had to be taken back home to fly with all the angels and serve your purpose as an angel yourself. But, to me, you had a valid reason for leaving me and this world. And, about the whole prince thing...fuck that. To me, you weren't my prince; you were the one. From the moment that we first started talking until the very end of our relationship, I thought you were the one for me. You were always the one.