Chance To Talk

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"What do you mean you can't put me back!" You exclaimed, standing up in front of the plush chair. You were across from the headmaster who was sitting at his desk with an indifferent expression. He had black hair similar to Mason, but it was greying, and his eyes were a deep blue instead of red.

"You can't. Mason doesn't want you to."

"Mason doesn't run this school!" You exclaimed as you stomped your foot. You couldn't help it. You were pissed off.

He glanced at you before he sighed, "Miss (Y/n). Please refrain from throwing temper tantrums in my office. You are much too old for that."

"Well then give me my old schedule back." You snapped, sinking back into your chair.

"I said I can't." He massaged his temples. "Mason wouldn't be happy."

"He's your son, not your boss. You don't have to constantly please him." You crossed your arms.

"It's not that easy Miss (L/n)." He tried to give you a smile, but you could tell it wasn't genuine. "Please just adjust as much as possible to the top class. Refrain from causing scenes and try to bring your grades up."

Anger boiled up inside of you as you slammed your hands down on his desk, "This is unfair! I don't have the abilities to be able to work in that class! Can't you see you're being stupid!"

His expression hardened, "Young lady, please refrain from insulting me or damaging any of this furniture. What I said is final. You will be in the top class and it will stay that way. Do you understand?"

You shook as you stared him down, hoping he would change his mind.

"Do. You. Understand?" He repeated, holding your gaze.

The two of you had a stare-off for a few seconds before you let out a scream of frustration and stormed out of his room. If he wasn't listening, maybe your father would. There had to be some legal issue here, and maybe he could help.

Ignoring the bell that signaled it was time for homeroom, you made your way down to your locker and grabbed your phone. You pulled up your dad's number and waited, tapping your foot.

The ringing stopped and you felt hope rise within you, "Dad! Hey I was wondering if-"

"The person you are trying to contact cannot come to the phone right now. Please leave a message at the tone or press one for more options."

You waited for a few moments.

"I'm sorry. This person's mailbox is full and cannot take anymore messages. Goodbye."

You let out another cry of frustration and threw your phone into your locker. Slamming it shut, you jumped in surprise when you saw someone standing behind the door.

"Vincent!" You lifted your hand to your chest, trying to calm your increasing heartbeat. "Don't scare me like that!"

He looked at you guiltily, "Sorry, I just noticed you were down here. The Art Club was doing something outside this morning."

You sighed, "It's okay."

"Is something wrong?" He asked, stepping towards you slightly.

"I...Well, yeah." You let out a small laugh, "But I don't think you could help me."

He gave you a soft smile, "Try me. Sometimes it's better to just talk out your feelings."

You glanced around the hallways, "I don't think I should say it here. For all I know, there's someone listening to our conversation, ready to report back to him."

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