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"I don't really get this movie..." You trailed off as you watched the main protagonist wander the empty hallways of a castle.

Elijah gave you a surprised expression, "How do you not understand it?! It's all about true love and the cost of having a happy relationship."

You blinked slowly as you shifted your gaze from the screen to Elijah, "This... doesn't seem like true love to me."

"You don't understand the meaning behind everything." He sighed as he settled into the couch.

Glaring at him, you turned your attention back to the movie and tried to figure out how Elijah saw the movie. There were two people standing behind the unsuspecting girl in an unused room, obviously waiting for her to notice.

The dialogue and the way the men act is so bizarre... I don't get it at all.

You humored Elijah for what felt like an hour before you started to get fidgety. He glanced over, noticing you fidgeting with your hands, and rested his on top of yours.

"The movie's almost over." He murmured, his eyes back on the screen.

Sighing, you leaned your head back and nodded. In a final attempt to pay attention, you watched as the main character ran through the forest, not sure how she got there.

Elijah glanced at you and smiled faintly before reaching his hand around your back and grabbing your shoulder, pulling you into him.

You gave him an alarmed expression, "What are you doing?"

"Just trying to get closer to you." He said, offering you a small smile before focusing on the movie.

You tried to slowly move out of his grip, but he held on to you and you huffed internally.

Whatever... it has to be almost done soon.

Fifteen more minutes passed and you had already counted all of the patterns faintly inlaid in the wall twice. Elijah was engrossed in the movie and didn't notice your change in attitude. From behind, you heard the doors open and silently said a prayer of thanks.

One of the other ones came to save me...

As you turned around, you paled slightly. Josephine and Gabriel stood in the doorway in obvious surprise that someone else was in the theater. Her eyes landed on you and you tensed, not sure of what to do.

Elijah felt your sudden change and looked over his shoulder, surprise registering on his face as well.

"Hey Mr and Mrs Roe. Did you want to use the theater?" He asked, giving you a confused look.

"No Elijah, we were just coming to pick a movie out." Josephine said, moving towards the bookcase of movies.

You sat back in your chair, glancing slightly at Gabriel. He stood there, his gaze shifting between you and Josephine.

Clearing your throat you stood up, "I have to go to the bathroom."

Elijah looked up at you and whispered, "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Just have to pee." You answered bluntly as you walked towards the door.

You could feel Josephine's eyes on you as you left the room and passed Gabriel. Getting about halfway down the hall, you turned around to see him following you.

You both opened your mouths and started saying something, but you stopped and waved him on, "Im sorry, you first."

"You came here with Sean?" He asked.

"Yeah... " You trailed off, glancing over his shoulder to make sure Josephine wasn't there.

He looked behind him and bent down to your level, "Did you come here of your own free will?"

Your eyes widened and you stared at him, not sure what to say.

He's supposedly like me...

"N-No..." You eventually said, looking at the ground.

"Has my wife talked to you?"


He sighed and ran a hand through his brown hair, looking at the wall, "I'm so sorry dear."

When was the last time someone told me they were sorry about this situation...?

His eyes glanced at you, "I understand how it feels, I'm like you. It's going to suck, but trust me when I say I believe you can get away from this."

Get away... You felt numb. Part of you wanted to try and get out again, to get back to your dad, but the other part of you was tired of fighting and just wanted to stay in your room here.

"Dear? Are you alright?" Gabriel waved a hand in front of your face.

You blinked slowly and then jumped, "Oh, yes. Sorry, I was in my thoughts."

Smiling, he reached his hand out, "I don't think I've formally introduced myself. That parade of a dinner wasn't good enough. I'm Gabriel Roe, the owner of this house and father of Sean."

You shook his hand and smiled, "Im (Y/n) (L/n)... A resident of this house and mother to no one." 

A laugh escaped his lips and he patted your head, "If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here."

You smiled, "Thank you Mr Roe."

"Anytime. I should probably get back before Josephine realizes I've left." He started to walk away.

"Um, sir..." You trailed off.

He stopped and looked over his shoulder.

"Where's the bathroom? I actually do have to pee." 

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