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Sean guided you back to the main room of the second floor where the rest of the boys were waiting. All of their faces lit up when they saw you come in but darkened slightly when they saw you holding hands with Sean.

"Are we all ready?" Sean asked, not noticing the looks the other boys were giving him.

You jumped slightly when you felt someone grab your other hand and turned to see Xander giving you an innocent smile, "I think we are."

You didn't see the look of annoyance that flashed on Sean's face, "Well, then let's go."

The 6 of you traveled back down the stairs and through the hall to the gardens, You, Xander, and Sean in the front. You couldn't see the menacing looks the other 3 boys were giving Xander and Sean. Instead, you saw the immense glass doors that lead to the gardens. You already saw intricate shrubbery designs and exotic flowers just from what the doors allowed you to see.

"Why the gardens?" Vincent murmured. "Why not the pool? I'd rather see (Y/n) in a swimsuit than in the dirt with stupid weeds."

Elijah glanced at him, "(Y/n) wanted to see them and while I agree with you, her smile will be well worth it."

"Will you both shut up." Mason snapped, "Ignore her. She's already mine."

"What do you mean she's already yours." Vincent growled.

Mason winked at the two of them before catching up to you and the other two boys.

"I swear to god..." Elijah trailed off.

You turned your head to see Mason coming up behind you and immediately looked back ahead. Sean took you through the doors and the cool air immediately hit your face. It felt nice and you somewhat felt better about your situation. Even if Mason claimed you were trapped here, you still could go outside.

"The gardens are shaped like a compass rose," Sean said, glancing at you. "The entrance we just came through is the southern point and the paths that go to the left and right go around and through the garden."

You looked around, taking everything in. Your eyes landed on a patch of (f/c) flowers and let go of Xander and Sean's hands, running to them and bending down to inspect them.

"Roses..." You trailed off as your fingertips brushed against one of the delicate flowers. It bent slightly under your touch.

"Do you like roses?" Xander asked, coming up next to you.

You shied away from him slightly but nodded. You watched as Sean grabbed a few of the roses and pulled them from the group. He turned and handed them to you, smiling.

"Here. They bring out your eyes."

You cautiously took them and smiled, "Thank you."

"You should show her the gazebo." Vincent offered, "That was she can see all the flowers. All the best ones at least."

Sean held out his hand to you, "Would you like to go see them?"

"Not this time. I'm taking (Y/n) there." Elijah stated as he grabbed your hand and gently pulled you up. He guided you towards a path to the left and winked at you.

Your stomach did knots as you thought back to what you had gone through because of him a few hours ago. You tried to pull away, but his grip immediately hardened. Pulse quickening, you immediately thought back to when he restrained you and you harshly pulled your hand away.

"(Y/n)-" Elijah started.

"Not you." You said, trying to calm your increasing panic. "I wont walk with you."

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