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I rolled over and checked my alarm clock, ugh it was 1:25 in the morning. Groggily I got out of bed and instantly went into the bathroom to see if the tap was dripping, it wasn't. So I rubbed the crusties out of my eyes and went back into my bedroom and turned the light on.


There it was again. Suddenly there was movement at my window. I walked over to my window and peered outside. A dark figure was perched on the big oak tree outside my window and was staring directly at me.

Then with a leap it jumped onto the small balcony to my room and started trying to open my door. I scurried to my bed and grabbed my baseball bat and swung around so quickly I didn't even see him yank the bat out of my sweaty hands.

He was tall and muscular, with shaggy black hair that looked about ready to get a trim, green emerald eyes and was dressed in black jeans and scuffed boots.

His white shirt showed off his tan and his leather jacket fit perfectly. I was so caught up in his good looks that I didn't notice him staring at me until I looked back up into his dreamy eyes.

He grinned at my sudden awareness and I felt my legs go weak, I held back a girly giggle and got back to the situation. " GET out of my room NOW!" I said half heartedly. "Now is that anyway to treat a guest, Annabelle?" He said as if it was normal for someone to break into my room in the middle of the night.

"No but it is to a stranger that just broke into someone's room, thank you very much." I said in a squeaky voice. "Okay you've got me there, then we better be off then?" he exclaimed. " What are you talking about? Why would I go anywhere with a stranger?" I said horrified.

"Fine then, I am Michael Westingham and I am here to take you to a safe place." he said like I should have known better." ummm.. No that's alright I think I'm going to stay at home with my parents." I said with a final decision.

"They're not your parents Annabelle, they are merely people that looked after you until your mother was ready for you." Michael said with impatience. "I am NOT coming with you and that is my choice, you are a complete stranger and you expect

me to believe that the people that have looked after me all my life aren't my parents?" I said getting agitated.

"Yes I do and I have orders to get you to safety, so if you say no one more time I'm going to have to force you to come with me against your will." he said pushing my buttons even further. There was a loud thud downstairs and soon after a shattering glass sound followed. Heavy footsteps were coming up the stairs and had just stopped on the landing, when Michael grabbed me by my wrist and shoved me into my walk-in wardrobe.

I heard a low growl and then a laugh that sounded and awful lot like and evil scientist. "Where is she, boy?" a deep voice boomed. "She jumped me and then ran for it." Michael lied."Why must you lie to me, dogboy?"the intruder yelled. "Why must you continue to ask something that I have already answered, bloodsucker?" Michael said with an ferocious growl.

The intruder stuck his nose up, sniffed the air and whirled to face the wardrobe. I backed up a few steps and bumped my shoe boxes, they went tumbling and I fell on my butt with a thump. Michael made a frustrated noise and lunged at the intruder, the intruder side stepped Michael like he was dodging a ball and proceeded to walk to my hiding spot.

"Annabelle RUN!" Michael yelled to me. I grabbed my spare gym bag and rummaged until I found my spare baseball bat. I turned on my heel and came face-to-face with the intruder. He grinned at me and then he grabbed for me but he got yanked back by Michael, who look angry and ready to pound the intruder. I ran out of the wardrobe and almost got dragged into the fist fight. I went to the door, yanked it open and ran down the stairs taking two at a time until I was in the hallway.

There was a humongous crash, then pounding feet on the stairs,I turned to see if it was Michael but was greeted with the face of the intruder grinning with delight. He walked up to me and seized my wrists and I dropped the bat with a clatter. "My, my you look prettier than your mother and she was awfully pretty but that doesn't matter what matters is that we get you to the castle."

What?A castle? What was this guy talking about? "Let her go right now, Alistair!" Michael growled. Alistair tipped his head back and laughed, he snapped his head back down and he hissed "Really boy, you think I take orders from a low life wulfen? You must be joking me, Christophe wants the girl and nothing is to get in my way." He let go of my wrist and lunged at Michael with a snarl.

Michael's fist connected with Alistair's nose and there was a sickening crunch. Alistair hissed and Michael kicked him in the stomach and sent Alistair flying into the dining rooms feature wall. Michael whirled to face me and dragged me out the front door to a black '67 Chevy impala that was in mint condition. Michael shoved me into the passenger seat and he jumped into the driver's side, put a key into the ignition and floored the accelerator .

He sped down to the streets not caring if he gets pulled over by the cops, his jaw was set and his knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel to tight. Michael took a tight left and sped through a red light, missing on coming vehicles by miles. We hit the highway and he slowed down to the speed limit, his face relaxed and so did his hands. He took the second right exit off the highway to a dirt road that led off between towering pine trees.

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