With everything going on with Laura, what happens if Edward didn't leave forks and only Bella to find a way to become a vampire aka joining the Volturi? What will The Cullen's think about Bella leaving?
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Laura P.O.V
I drove home on my motorcycle after my dinner with Alexander. It wasn't bad...okay it was. I thought it was dinner, but no it's just a test he made to see if I'm ready for some battle! I don't even know what prophecy his talking about which I need to ask and information for. My mind is full of everything when I saw a silhouette of a person standing on the rode as I swerve out of the way and into the woods. My back hit the tree as I groaned in pain. My visions fades both on and off until I shake my head. I tried standing up, but I feel weak. Even my leg is twisted...I think I see a bone popping which isn't good at all.
"Well well Well. It's finally nice to see you here." A familiar voice said causing me to look at her and growl.
"Victoria, pleasure to see you again." I sarcastically said growling as she crouches down wiping her thumb on my head before placing her thumb in her mouth moaning.
"Mmm, delicious." She smirks licking her lips.
"How's James? Whoops too soon?" I smirk making hers fade as she slammed her first to my twisted leg making me grunt and groan in pain before glaring at her.
"I should have killed you when I had the chance all those days. You ruined my life and killed my mate! Laurent is right though, you are special. Too bad you won't be seeing tomorrow." She grabs a handful of my hair tilting it as her mouth moves closer to my neck. I felt her fangs on my skin and before she could pierce it in my skin, we both heard a howl in the distance.
Victoria pulled away growling at the direction before facing me.
"I guess you have a chance to love after all. Don't worry, this is the last time I'll let you go." She moved away before disappearing to a different direction. Three wolves ran after her as Jacob crouches next to me with his hand on my shoulder.
"You okay?" He asked with concern as I chuckled holding onto him.
"Define okay?" I joked tired making him sigh and shake his head before looking at my twisted leg.
"This looks bad."
"Don't you think?" I rolled my eyes as he glares before looking back down on my leg. He holds onto my leg before looking into my eyes.
"Ready?" He asked softly as I nodded my head.
"1." He starts and twisted my leg back into place making me scream in pain. He gently carries me from the floor making me whimper from pain.
"It's okay, I got you." He whispers softly and I looked over to my motorcycle making my eyes look down.
"I'll fix it again. I promise, but right now your leg need to be fixed." He then began to walk as I lean against his warm chest. My eyes began to shut itself as I hear his heart beat pounding softly before everything went black.
I hear birds chirping making me wake up and look to see I'm in a different room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before yawning.
"Morning." A voice called out as a woman come inside with a tray on her hand full of food and water. Her face has a scar, but I didn't wanna be rude asking why she has it.
"Morning." I smiled softly as she placed the tray on my lap gently.
"My name is Emily Young. We haven't met yet, but I did see you come to visit Billy and Jacob the night at the campfire during Jacob's transformation." She smiles warm as she sat at the edge of the bed.
"Nice to meet you. My name is-"
"Laura Swan."
"Oh you know me?" I asked her as she nodded her head.
"From Jacob, he talks a lot about you since you guys where kids and how brave, awesome and protective you are. Even though your teasing him with a wrong girl." She giggles as my eyes widen from this information. Her eyes looked at me with curiosity before gasping.
"Oh, you didn't know? Sorry, I thought you knew the way he acted around you." She said softly, but I shook my head smiling back.
"It's quite alright. I guess my life of full of surprises." I sighed as I started to eat my meal. I soon finished and began to carry the tray when she took it from me.
"You need to get some rest. Your leg won't heal up if you keep moving around." Emily said with a stern voice as I shook my head at her.
"Alright mom, how long will my leg heal up?" I asked leaning back from the bed a bit.
"In about two or three days. We wrapped it around with some medicine so it might help your leg heal a lot faster." She smiled and I gave her my thanks. She soon left downstairs and not a minute later the door opened revealing a shirtless Jacob.
"Dude, you need to wear a shirt." I chuckled at him as he rolls his eyes before opening a drawer from the room and grabbing a tank top. Now I know whose room this is.
"Better?" He asked raising his eyebrow as I gave him a thumbs up. He shook his head chuckling before sitting down at the edge of the bed.
"How are you feeling?"
"Shit." I bluntly said to him making him laugh.
"How's my motorcycle?" I asked him tilting my head.
"Doing good so far, but it might take like 4 weeks for it to repair. It was damaged pretty good." He said making me groan and lay my head on the bed.
"Nooooo my baby." I dramatically shouted as he chuckles at it.
"She's fine, she needs changes. Again." He smiles as I glared at him before sitting up.
"I told Charlie that your in my place since you had an accident. He said he'll come pick you up, but I told him I'll drop you off for the next three days." Jacob smiled as I did the same and gave him a hug. He hesitated for a moment before hugging me back a little bit tight.
"Thanks, J." I smiled mumbling to him as I felt his hand rub my back.
"For what?"
"For saving me countless of times and for giving me comfort." I told him as we both looked at each other in the eyes. He slowly leaned closer as our lips almost touching each other.
"Jacob! Come down here, I need help with something!" Billy shouted from downstairs which caused me to pull away and look down on the floor.
"I'll be down in a minute!" Jacob shouted back before sighing. I felt his arm on mine before he stands up.
"I'll see you later." He tells me before leaving his room. I shook my head and stood up slowly as I limp towards a wall of pictures what seems to be the three of us. Bella, Jacob and me. I looked at them with a smile on my face which is sad that it was only three pictures of us three.
I heard my phone rang in the room as I limp towards the noise and opened the drawer to Jacob's clothes. I dug my hands in it and pulled my phone out as soon as the phone stopped ringing, I saw Alice's number. I got curious on why she called me and when I was about to open my phone, I heard Sam's voice from behind me
"What are you doing?" He asked making me drop my phone on the floor and turns quickly.
"Jesus your gonna give me a heart attack." I told him as I placed my hand on my chest.
"That's not the first I make a girl have that feeling." He smirks as I have him a look of 'so not amused of your pick up lines'. He raises his hand before putting the back down.
"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked out of curiosity.
"It's my house, I go wherever I please and Jacob told me to watch over you." He shrugs as I rolled my eyes.
"I don't need babysitters to watch over me." I told him as he shook his head.
"Yeah, but with an twisted leg I'll have to disagree." He smirks as I flew a bird at him which he returned. I picked my phone off the floor before sitting back down on Jacob's bed. I sighed looking at the broken screen before laying down on his bed