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With the medication forced in, Albert's pain had subdued just a bit. It was as bad, but still felt like someone had dumped salt into a heavily bleeding and open wound.


Someone, or something, might have actually. The injuries felt a lot worse in the morning after the voice spoke to him. However, the pain killers made him forget what was said and they didn't seem to help.

But, this chapter (with the help of a tiny third wall break), won't focus on the day or have a main focus of Albert. This chapter focuses on Jake and his tired mind, sometime the night after the previous chapter and the night before the two previous paragraphs.

Now, onto the actual writing before I lose all my readers again.


"Goodnight, Ally. I might fall asleep first. And plus, I'll be able to leave tomorrow without feeling guilty of leaving early and not supporting my friend" This made a tired Ally laugh a bit, making Jake smile a bit.

"I wish I could come visit. I might in the morning" Ally replied. The two talked for a bit more before Jake was unable to keep fighting off sleep. He was better at sleeping than his currently injured and knocked out friend.

A few hours later, Jake woke up to a strange sound. Long, sharp claws clicking on the pristine floor. Scratching on the door until it quietly squeaked open. Jake shot up and looked to the door where his eyes met with a red pair. The dark creature that he couldn't see lunged at him until it dissipated into nothing. Jake hit himself against the wall when it lunged, only freaking out more when it disappeared. He forced himself to calm down by taking a few deep breaths and hanging up on Ally. He texted her saying to 'call [him] in the morning. [He] ha[s] something to tell [her] but [she] ha[s] to be ready to hear it'.

After a minute or so, when Jake had to attempt to calm down, a fleet of people rushed past the door. A few seconds later, a large group of people in the same type of suit but different colours walked past. The supposed leader stopped at the open door, which caused Jake to mentally freak out more. Something was said by the person wearing half of the Tragedy mask that Jake couldn't hear which lead two people to enter and the rest to continue. One had a colour scheme of blue and the other was a light brown. The one wearing light brown seemed to be steam-punkish. The other was wearing a ushanka of sorts and seemed to be twitching a bit.

The steam punkish one went to Albert whilst the other stared down Jake.
"This [CITIZEN] seems to have been attacked by an [ENEMY] Night! When did they even escape? Oh, [OPERATIVE] Unstable, what are you looking at?" This Unstable guy nodded to Jake.


"I'm more surprised bu-" Jake was cut off.

"Oh, hello, [CITIZEN]! Is this handsome man your friend?" Jake was a bit put off by the guy's words. How the hell is Albert handsome?

"Uh, yeah? And what's a ni-" Why did they keep cutting him off?

"Wonderful! What's his name? [SUPREME LEADER] Great will need to know!"

"I mean... he has a YouTube channel with his name in it" Jake was forced to continue when he got no response. "His name's Albert"

"Well, that's a Radiant name! Thank you, [CITIZEN]! We'll have to take [CITIZEN] Albert into more advanced care!"

"No, no way! I had to take him from some stupid circus to here, I'm not putting him into more danger."

"...I'm sure that that will be fine! We'll bring what and who's needed here in the morning!"

"The doctors can handle it!"

"[CITIZEN] Albert could turn into an [ENEMY] Night himself if we don't help. I could never allow that to happen to such a pretty face" Again, Jake was bewildered by this weird ass operative character basically calling Albert hot. How the fuck was this possible. However, the Unstable guy ran out the door for no reason causing a slight suprise in Jake. But, the other sighed softly. "We'll be back. Can't wait to see a good face" The lad managed to think Albert was cute or something and insulted Jake. Well, to be fair, he hadn't shaved the currently scratchy beard in awhile. But, still! Rude. And Jake didn't even know his name. At least, both of the operative people left.

A/N: Sorry for the extremely short chapter. Not even 800 words. I'm disappointed in myself. BUT ANYWAYS HERE'S A SHOUT OUT: Roblox761006 for reading my story uwu and Kittencomics for putting a strange amount of faith in my incompetent and tired mind and ReesesCupsUwU for translating and uwu_noob for voting on most if not all the chapters.

If you wish to be removed, tell me. I appreciate all my readers, but these are the great lads that haven't stayed a silent reader and talked to me, even if just a message or two.

Thank you all, with a special appreciation for the four mentioned.
(Edit: And to that one lad who commented about my supposedly nice writing. Apologies for not mentioning you)

And also I love ya'll platonically

-Your pal Rus

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