A vivisection of me yielded the start of a mystery

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A/N: *mumbling* say "hello, honey, I'm home" three voices come from the gramophone

Uh this chapter is focused on Jake again. That's why some names are known/unknown
Albert woke up slowly to skin-peeling pain. It wasn't as bad as yeterday's 'I have open wounds and every bump this car does is stabbing a knife made by Loki into each one' type of pain. The pain killers at least helped a bit.

What happened when he was knocked out last night? Some strange voice talked to him about... something, there was a series of clicking sounds, a purring voice and his best friend's voice speaking. What in the fuck was happening?

Regardless, Albert tried to sit up at least a bit which resulted in a grumble of pain. Jake, who hadn't slept at all last night, shot his head towards the door (which confused Albert. Why the door?) and then to the blonde ass Albert.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked, last night's talk with that blue guy going through his mind. A Night. Is that what hurt Albert and lunged at Jake?

"If what feels like being by a truck over and over is okay, then yeah" Albert's injuries are far worse than I have the ability to describe. His arms were wrapped in a small amount of almost blood soaked gauze, his torso had a few deep gashes through it but they were currently stitched up and covered, his legs looked mangled with patches of skin hanging off. They were exposed, which hurt beyond hell, but were healing at least. Why were they exposed? They had the least damage and weren't bleeding too heavily. The blood stopped at some point in the night, so that was good. His face was in pretty good condition, save for the patch bandage over his left cheek. Now, why did Albert feel more pain then he should? The forest. He felt no pain there. All it did was catch up with the rest of the pain of the injuries.

"I'll get some pain killers for you. Don't move too much" Jake's last sentence earned a mumbled sarcastic response from Albert. Jake stood from his seated spot and left the hospital room, looking at the small scuffs on the ground. So, that actually happened? That creature and operative guys? As soon as he closed the door behind him and turned around, he was met with the scene of the Unstable and blue operatives arguing with someone Jake couldn't see. He couldn't hear much of it, either.

Jake just did his best to scoot past without being noticed. However, luck was not on his side today.

"Hello, [CITIZEN]!" The radiant looking blue guy called out to him, putting all focus on Jake. The other two.. Unstable and some clown looking guy? One of the three from the sky circus place by the looks of it.

"Uh... hi- I'm just-" Jake mentally cursed out the blue guy.

"How is the handsome [CITIZEN] Albert today?" The clown guy seemed a bit mad at this operative fellow for complementing Albert. Huh. At least he can see Albert's just... Albert.

"He needs pain killers. Which is why I'm out here in the first place."

"I'm sure a [HELP] Nurse or doctor can get that for you!"

"Yeah, well, somebody scared them outta this floor. So if you'll excuse me, I have a lower level to get to." The three lads could hear the venom in his talk. So, Unstable not being mentally stable, did the only unstable in the mind thing to do and shot him in the arm.

"OWH WHAT THE FU-" Jake, being mentally stable, put his hand around the bullet wound, applying pressure to both the arm and his side, hoping the bullet left over didn't enter too far into his body. Right now, he was just worried because a bullet had entered and left his arm!!! Like, dude. That's a really rude thing to do. Poor guy just wanted to help his friend who may or may not have been dying.

The blue operative and clown guy called for a doctor to help Jake and bring pain killers for Albert.

G0Z was a doctor, but he didn't know he'd need to be prepared to deal with a bullet wound.

Radiant_Day called for pain killers. He wanted to help Albert more than the guy who was just shot.

Both gents were worried for Albert, but one was used to people being shot at and sometimes killed by it while the other felt bad for the lad who just wanted to assist.

But, back in the hospital room, Albert heard the gunshot and Jake shouting in pain. Who had shot Jake? And why? Albert attempted to push himself up, disappointing himself when he was met with even more seering pain.

Back to the four, a few doctors went to check the situation and get Jake helped out. They brought him to the room with an open door, gave a quick greeting to Albert (but otherwise completely ignoring him), and went on to dig the bullet out of the bleeding mess of a bullet sized hole (the gun wasn't in a straight line, so it was more difficult then, say, taking out a bee sting) in Jake's side. Once they did, they went to treating the wounds, apply peroxide to quickly clean the wounds and stitch them up.

The process was longer than described, which led the two operatives and G0Z outside.

"Albert is in danger"
No one fully remembers who said it, but they all agreed in their own different ways.

For G0Z, his poor buddy had been attacked by something than stolen away from his reach and watch by some guy in a reckless hoodie.

For Radiant_Day, he didn't want the captivating and adorable face of Albert to wither away by some creature. He liked that face, goddammit, and nothing could take it away yet.

For Unstable_Day, well duh. He just shot the poor fellow. Right? Eh, maybe he remembered wrong.

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