Uhm... hello?

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Hey. This book belongs to Cyclone,right?

Uhm... you're probably wondering what I'm doing with his things.


I think it's better if I tell you the whole story from the start.

So according to the last page of Cyclone's diary ( I'm just gonna call it a diary), Cyclone was saying about me walking away from the fight and him staying there like some kind of stunned person.

That most likely makes you think that I'm the bad guy, right?

Well, I apologise for it. I made a really terrible mistake and please put away those carts of fireworks, please?

Okay, I'm getting seriously off topic. Here's what happened after the last chapter. In my perspective, of course.

It has been three hours after the fight, I was still pissed off at Cyclone, believing that he's the one who left me the balloons. I spent the first day trying to control my temper by throwing my belongings towards the wall. For some reason, the sound of textbooks making contact with the wall soothes me.

It sort of work. My temper had been reduced and I spent the rest of the day in my room, not wanting to see Cyclone. I had some manga comics in my bookshelf that I've never bothered to read since I couldn't understand it. I ended up looking up at WikiHow on how to read manga. After I finally understand the plot, I got addicted to it.

A week has passed since then, and I still refused to talk Cyclone. I spend the majority of the day in my room, occasionally coming out to go to the toilet or when Quake forced me to eat with the others ( during those times, I would pretend Cyclone didn't exist or just pretend I have an infectious disease and leave dinner early) . Other than that, he would bring my meals to my room and I would just leave the plates on the desk. He was probably the only one who really understands me, even though he sometimes drive me crazy.

I was getting comfortable with my new lifestyle and would probably continue to live that way if Thorn hasn't come to intervene.

It was a Saturday afternoon, I was finishing up my homework while listening to some music on my IPod when there was a knock on the door. The door opened a few inches and Thorn's  face popped out.

"Thundy?" He said. (I rolled my eyes at the nickname I was given) " Are you okay?"

"Hmm let me think. I woke up a week ago to find balloons in my room. Then, I ran out screaming and later, having a fight with Cyclone and was later scolded by Quake. Oh yeah. I was also grounded and not allowed to go out of the house for the entire month just because of the fight. All of that happened within a day. Besides that, meh." I replies sarcastically.

" Oh ok!" He nervously got into the room, apparently unaware of my sarcasm. He closed the door and faced towards me as if he wanted to talk. With a sigh, I pulled out my ear plugs and swiveled my chair so that I will be facing towards him.

"So," I started. "What's the occasion?"

"Yeah. So do you remember that day when you found some balloons in your..." his voice faded when he noticed my glare. He gulped and repeated, " Do you remember that day when you found some balloons in your room."

I raised an eyebrow before nodding my head, " What about that?" I took my soda can, opened the lid and drank some of the content.

"It wasn't Cyclone who left the balloons in your room."

I nearly spat out the drink when he said that. Instead, I choked on the soda and Thorn had to hit me repeatedly on the back to make me better.

I wiped the remaining soda off my mouth, not caring whether or not my gloves got stained or not. "Then who was the one who did it?" I avoid looking at Thorn and instead stared at the can that I was crushing as if if I put as much pressure on it as I can, it would answer me like some genie in a lamp, except that I don't rub an actual lamp.

Thorn but his lip while somehow, looking as innocent as a cinnamon roll and he look at me dead in the eye. " I did."

After two hours of me flipping everything in my room over and repeated smashing my fists on the wall ( I'm surprised it hasn't collapsed ), I finally calmed down. I told Thorn to meet me downstairs in the living room since the others were going out for who knows what reasons.

"So," I said as I sat down on one of the couch, my eyes never leaving Thorn's nervous face. "What reasons do you have for putting the balloons in my room."

He started shedding some tear, but fortunately not on a full out flood or that would have gotten a tad bit nasty. "I didn't know you were afraid of it," More tears fell out. "I was supposed to attend a friend's birthday party and I was in charge of preparing the balloons. I didn't know where to store them during that time so I just kept them in your room."

"I really didn't know about it. Honestly," He looked at me with his sad puppy-dog eyes. "Please don't kill me." He whimpered as he raised his arms while squatting on the floor as if he was trying to protect himself.

I was so ready to kill him. First, for the balloons and second, for my fight with Cyclone. If I had a knife in my hand, I probably would have stab him millions of time for causing the things that happened to me since the previous week.

But I couldn't, mostly because he seemed genuinely sorry and guilty for his mistake and second, moms Quake would have my head from killing his cinnamon bun.

Glaring at Thorn, though with much less fury that I had earlier, I said, "Fine, I forgive you."

Thorn's eyes were as wide as saucers and stared at me for five seconds as if I had just sprouted an extra pair of hands. Then he hastily got up and ran for the door as if his life depends on it. Pretty sure he was trying to get away for fear of me changing my mind and deciding to kill him instead.

"Wait,"I ordered Thorn and he stopped almost immediately. "Where's Cyclone?"

Suddenly, my door was found opened and Ice practically tripped himself over nothing. The weird thing was, he had a panicking face on, and last I remembered, Ice has NEVER panicked.

"Get into the car right now." He yelled at the both of us.

"But why?" Thorn asked, curious.

"We need to go to the hospital, ASAP!"

I was going to ask a question when Ice continued  to speak.
"Cyclone felled down the stairs and is terribly injured. Now you all better get the hell into the car."

After three hours of driving and me honking madly at other cars who were trying to cut lanes (the traffic was seriously heavy) , we finally reached the hospital.

Ice asked a pretty nurse on where Cyclone was and she told him the location of his room. After that, we got into the lift while Ice was fumbling for the buttons.

Less than five minutes later, we were in Cyclone's room. He was dressed in one of those patients outfit and was unconscious in bed. Quake was already there, sitting on a chair next to him while clutching to Cyclone's hand like a mother to a son. His face was deathly pale. A doctor was standing nearby, looking as if he had no idea what to do.

"What wrong with him? Why isn't he awake?" I demanded. I was already driven by guilt and worries so this should t be strange.

The doctor flinched from me. He spoke with a soft voice, "He losses a lot of blood when his skin was damaged during his fall. He has also broken the bone on his arm. He was already unconscious when he was brought here and we did everything we could to save him. But..."

I braved myself for the bad news.

"He would be unconscious for about a week and would not wake up until then." The doctor said.

I let out a breath. This news wasn't so bad.

Well, at least I can tell Cyclone that I was really sorry for what I had done and hope for the best that he'll forgive me.

I mean, a week isn't really long, right?


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