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liked by spearlixxie, minniejinnie, lovelychannie and 4,489 others

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liked by spearlixxie, minniejinnie, lovelychannie and 4,489 others

hanniestoes - he's so cute :( but that rose collar made me nut 😏😛 bUt jisung called me cute, gays help fjfjdjd
©light day


woochicken - ew get out of my christian household

hannietoes - woochicken :D

spearlixxie - i'm officially scared of you

hanniestoes - spearlixxie yeah not like you lick your changbin photocards 🙄

spearlixxie - hanniestoes 🤫🤫🤫🤥

spearb - spearlixxie oh really now? ;)

spearlixxie - spearb oh look at the time i need to feed my dinosaurs :D

lovelychannie - hyung, what do you mean it made you 'nut'? 😇

minniejinnie - lovelychannie stop acting like you're innocent :<

lovelychannie - minniejinnie 🤬🤬👿👿

woochicken - lovelychannie it means nothing my child 😅

cb97 - lovelychannie is so precious uwú

lovelychannie - cb97 hffhdjd hyung help :( woochicken

woochicken - lovelychannie rip

j.one - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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