"Royal Tribute" and Why the New Confirmation Rules Are a Problem

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Good afternoon, everyone. I was inspired to write this chapter after seeing TeamSamuraiX1's new video, which includes him showing how powerful the card Royal Tribute has the potential to be.

I'll keep this one relatively short. Royal Tribute is a card that, while you control the Field Spell Necrovalley, forces both players to discard all monsters in their hand. This proves to be most effective against Decks in the meta such as Pendulums and Thunder Dragons, as well as Salamangreat. 

Unfortunately, with the new confirmation rules in Yu-Gi-Oh in effect, the card is not extremely viable. You're opponent now does not have to reveal whether or not they have monsters in their hand, so essentially, they can lie and say that have no monsters in hand, and if nothing was done in the Duel to prove that they do, you can do nothing about it.

If you're playing a rogue deck like Gravekeeper's, this can put a serious damper on your plays, just because the person sitting across from you doesn't want to play fair. A good way to know if they're cheating is through this method.

Apparently your opponent has no monsters, so if they start their turn with more than one monster, and no searching or drawing outside of the Draw Phase has occurred, they are cheating, and you should call a judge over to your table immediately. Keep the game fair, and play honorably.

Anyways, have a good rest of your day, everyone. If you have any requests for topics, let me know in the comments or through a PM.

~ Tyme

Link to Sam's video:

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