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The Great Wall of The Land of Fire

  A soldier walks around his post when all of a sudden, a bird of prey hits the back of his head ...  "We're under attack! Light the signal!" the man shouted warning the others, As he opens the door, two Akatsuki soldiers appear blocking his way. The soldier climbs up the ladder only to be greeted by the clan leader Madara.

  The soldier without hesitation lights the signal with a torch, while staring at the leader, as other signals go on all the way along the Great Wall. "Now all of the 5 great countries know you're here" the man said with determination. Madara picks up the land of fire's flag and burns it in the signal fire "Perfect" was all he could say.

The Royal Palace

   Meanwhile at the Royal City, The head General of the Shinobi,  and two soldiers walk into the Hokage's chamber and bow. "Lord Sixth, the Akatsuki have crossed our Northern Border. "Impossible! No one can get through the Great Wall!" Might Guy spoke but was silenced by the Hokage "General Madara is leading them. We'll set up defenses around your palace immediately." the general declared

   "No!" Lord Sixth shouted as he stood up "General Itachi Send your troops to protect my people!" He explained  "Might Guy!" he announced "Yes, your Highness?" he asked "Deliver conscription notices throughout all the provinces. Call up reserves, and as many new recruits as possible." the Hokage explained "Forgive me, your Majesty, but I believe my troops can stop him." Itachi explained "I won't take any chances, General. A single grain of rice can tip the scale; one man may be the difference between victory and defeat." the Hokage stated.

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