Chapter 10: Stupid Girly Habits

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 Meanwhile at the training camp, Sakura was fixing to take her bath in the nearby pond. "Hey, this is not a good idea. What if somebody sees you?" Naruto asked as Sakura was changing behind a giant patch of tall grass. "Just because I look like a man doesn't mean I have to smell like one." Sakura explained "so a couple guys don't rinse out their socks." Naruto whined as he covered his eyes with his ears as Sakura jumped in the pond "Picky, picky, picky. Myself, I kinda like that corn-chip smell."  "Ah." Sakura sighed as she washed herself "Okay, all right, alright, that's enough, now c'mon, get out before you get all pruney and stuff." Naruto ordered "Naruto, if you're so worried, go stand watch!" Sakura smiled 

  "Yeah, yeah. Stand watch, Naruto, while I blow our secret with my stupid girly habits" the little dragon said in a feminine voice " Hygiene" he said to the little cricket. All of a sudden three naked men rush by laughing  "We're doomed! There're a couple of things I KNOW they're bound to notice!" Naruto shouts in a panic. Sakura ducks into the water as Lee, Kiba and Choji jump into the water. She tries to hide herself with a lily pad. Kiba then spots her "Hey, Satoshi!" he shouts "Oh, hi, guys, I didn't know you were HERE" Sakura smirked, the three men looked at her confused "I was just washing so now I'm clean and I'm gonna go. Bye-bye." she said as she tried to swim away "Come back here!" Lee shouted "I know we were jerks to you before, so let's start over. Hi, I'm Lee" Sakura shook his hand anxiously. Choji swam up behind her as she bumped into him "And I'm Choji" Choji smiled "Hello, Choji" Sakura smiled the Kiba stepped on a large rock (junk and all) "And I am Kiba, King of the Rock!" he said with pride "And there's nothing you girls can do about it." he added

   "Oh yeah? Well, I think Satoshi and I can take you!" Lee said "I really don't want to take him anywhere." Sakura tried to swim away "But, Satoshi! We have to fight!" he explained as she swam farther away from him making her nervous "No, we don't. We could just close our eyes, and ... swim around!" she suggested "C'mon! Don't' be such a ... OW!" Lee screamed" Something bit me!" he shouted "What a nasty flavor." Naruto snickered as he met his eyes with Lee "SNAKE!!!" he shrieked "While Kiba, Choji and Lee are shrieking, Sakura whistles for Kurama and sneaks away. The three men were huddled on the rock with "Some King of the Rock" Lee shrugged but was pushed off by Kiba.

   "Boy, that was close" Sakura said with the towel wrapped around her drying her hair "No, that was vile. " Naruto shouted as he brushed his teeth "You owe me big!" he said added more toothpaste to his mouth "I never want to see a naked man again." she said to Kurama, nodding his head as a herd of naked men flash by. Kurama just shook his head in disgust "Don't look at me, I ain't biting no more butts." Naruto sulked as they walked back to their tent. 

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