Chapter: 6 Madara's Plan

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The Akatsuki army comes to a stop by a marsh. "You two, search for survivors" Madara ordered his men as they searched the woods. Five minutes later, they returned with two Shinobi soldiers are dragged out of a tree and thrown before Madara . "Shinobi Scouts" Sasori said to his leader.

Madara dismounted his horse and stepped toward the two men "Madara Unchia!" the first man gasped. Orochimaru knelt down to the men "Nice work, gentlemen. You've found the Akatsuki army." he chuckled causing all the ninja's to laugh in unison "Lord Sixth will stop you." the second man retorted "Stop me! He invited me" the leader snickered as he picked up the soldier "By building his wall, he challenged my strength. Well, I'm here to play his game" he said after putting the man on the ground "Go! Tell your Hokage to send his strongest armies. I'm ready." he ordered, the two men nodded in fear and ran off towards the royal city.

"Deidara" Madara said to the blonde man beside him "Sir?" he asked as he sat from his horse " How many men does it take to deliver a message?" Madara asked him, Deidara snickered raising his bow and arrow "One" he simply answered shooting one of the men.

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