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Jisung could hear his stomach growling loudly as he headed towards the coffee shop on his college campus. He had long, boring classes and hadn't had a bite to eat all day.

He stepped into the warm, comforting, but crowded shop for the first time ever, and shuffled over to the large counter, waiting in line until it was finally his turn.

"Can I have a-"

Fuck, he's cute, Jisung internally panicked as he saw the worker.

"Car...Caramel Macchiato ple...please?"

The cute worker chuckled a little bit at his stuttering, his laugh sounding like the tinkling of wind chimes to Jisung.



"What's the name for the order?" He stared directly at Jisung, still grinning slightly.

Fuck, why am I so stupid sometimes? Jisung mentally facepalmed at his own confusion.

"Ha...Han Jisung..." He replied, avoiding eye contact.

The worker jerked his head briskly, turning back around and starting to brew the order, while Jisung headed to one of the few empty tables, still dazed and recalling the other's stunningly handsome looks and his own stupidity.

His skin was so... flawless- and how the fuck did he get his lips to look that soft?Was his hair done professionally? That shade of brown should be illeg-

He was snapped out of his gaydream by another worker yelling out a name...

"Hand Gisong?"

A/N: This is my first story, so please give any feedback, tips or thoughts you have on it 😊

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