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"Have you ever been ice skating?"

Jisung's ass hurt. There was nothing more to say on the matter. It was black and blue and aching.

He was tired of slipping on the ice, his two left feet betraying him as Minho glided past him in smooth, fluid motions.

However tired of falling, his lips were stretched tightly and his throat sore from all the laughter. Being there with Minho made everything that much more fun, and that much less painful.

"Catch me if you can!" Minho whizzed past him in a blur, surprising Jisung so much that, to no one's surprise, he fell on his ass yet again.

"Oh, it's on!" He felt himself standing up, compelled by the challenge that was chasing Lee Minho, though he knew that he could never catch him.

He gained speed slowly, not falling immediately for the first time. As he was gliding toward Minho, the older made a sharp turn backwards to avoid Jisung's outstretched hand. As if in slow motion, Jisung felt himself sharply turn with Minho, and his foot slid out from underneath him. He stumbled, then was sent falling to the cold ice in a pile. Before he could hit the ground again, however, he felt two strong arms wrap around his torso protectively. Minho.

His plan to save Jisung, though almost flawless, was stopped by the fact that the younger was already to far fallen, and he ended up pulling Minho to the hard ground with him, and they both landed with a small "oomph!"

They looked over at each other. Seconds crawled by, minutes, hours, days. Then, Minho's mouth curved ever so slightly.

They both erupted in laughter- loud, constant, and most likely annoying- and they kept laughing, lying there on the ground, Jisung's head on Minho's chest. They kept laughing, despite the strange stares they were receiving. Still, they kept laughing until their lungs were burning and their ribs aching.

Finally, they stood up with the help of one another.

"I think that's enough ice skating for one day, don't you?"

Jisung wholeheartedly agreed about the ice skating part, but he secretly still wanted to be around Minho. But, he was tired and so was his ass, so he just agreed.

"Yeah, definitely."

"I can drop you back at your dorm, it's a long walk."

"Well then, let's go!"

Jisung cheerfully followed the older as they returned their rented skates and put back on their shoes.

"Why, after you." Minho spoke in a haughty accent as he opened the door for Jisung, causing him to internally swoon at the boy's charm.

They both stepped out into the frigid night air, and started to trudge towards Minho's hand-me-down car, their hands bumping together as they walked.

After a noticeably hard bump against their hands, Minho finally spoke.

"If you wanted to hold my hand, you could have just asked, you know." Minho glanced sideways at Jisung, carefully intertwining their chilly fingers and causing Jisung to flush and duck his head.

And so, they arrived at Minho's ancient car and hopped in, the older insisting that he could drive the whole way with one hand because his other was "too cold," and needed to stay on Jisung's.

After a long ride of Minho trying to navigate with only his left hand, they arrived back at the dorms,way after the moon started to peek out and the stars stared to glint.

Minho just had to walk Jisung back to his room- not that Jisung wasn't ecstatic- And so the younger got to fumble for his key for a good two minutes while Minho watched. He finally found it, and pulled it out of his pocket to insert into the door, glimmering in the moonlight and reflecting the stars as he turned it.

He was about to go back into his room, satisfied with a simple "goodnight" from Minho, when Jisung suddenly felt the older's hand clamp around his wrist. He turned back, confused, and looked at him for an explanation.

"You have something on your cheek."

If Jisung had payed close enough attention, he would have seen the kind mischief that glimmered in Minho's eyes, but instead he blushed and went to wipe his cheek.

At the same moment, Minho leaned in, quick as lightning, and gave his cheek a small peck.

Jisung felt his heart explode as he completely gay panicked.

"I had lots of fun thank you for taking me I really want to do this again thank you for holding my hand and kissing my cheek and everythi-"

Minho's quiet clear laugh cut off Jisung's almost incoherent rambling, allowing the younger to finally take a breath.

"Thank you for coming with me, Jisung. I hope I'll see you tomorrow?"

Jisung took another gulp of breath.

"I'll be at the cafe again... will you?"

Minho subtlety smirked.

"Only for you. Goodnight, Jisung."

And with that, he left and Jisung shut the door- then combusted.

A/N: this seemed like a really long chapter, but I enjoyed it and I hope you guys do too! ✨☺️

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