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              Jisung is sitting frozen at a cozy corner table in the dimly lit, delicious smelling cafe when all of a sudden, his face contorts into annoyance as he curses under his breath. Why? Because he just heard the loud employee call out for him to collect his steamy, freshly made coffee. Well, not exactly him. They called for a "Hun Jesomg."

   They fucked up my name even worse than last time.
Jisung glares at the ground as he walks idly up to the counter, not caring to be polite to the worker who messed up his-easy to spell and pronounce-name, for the second time in a row.

     As he trots back to his seat, holding "Hun Jesomg's" coffee, he notices the head of the gorgeous employee who asked to have a coffee with him. The absolutely stunning male now infront of him wants to drink coffee with him, an average (so he believes) looking guy, who probably constantly looks like and idiot in front of the worker, what with his constant stuttering and blushing.

     Jisung is still slightly shocked and nervous as he sits down across from the boy, who is also holding a steaming coffee.

   The boy is just looking at Jisung with a foreign expression in his eyes as his gaze drifts along Jisung's face, a tiny smile peeking out from the corner of his lips.

      After almost a whole minute of him just staring, Jisung finally gathers up the nerve to say something to him.

   Alright, Jisung, it's not that hard. Just say something already. Come on, talk to the boy-

      "What's your name?"
Flushing immediately after, Jisung blurts out the question, somewhat surprising himself, after thinking that he had to stop calling him "the boy"

"Lee Minho."
He smirks slightly wider at Jisung, "And I'm guessing yours is...Hun Jesomg?"

"Of...of course not! What kind of name is 'Hun Jisomg?" Jisung is now full on pouting at the elder. "It's Han, Han Jisung."

"Cute... like you."


What was once a slight pink tint on his cheeks is now a full on red, and Jisung looks closer to a tomato than a person.

He just called me cute.
Jisung is full on silently gay panicking right now.
Fuck, abort mission, hot guy thinks I'm cute.

"So... what's your favorite coffee flavor?"
Jisung questions him the first thing he could think of to try and desperately distract the attention from his blushing face.

"Probably caramel macchiato. I really like sweet things."
After saying that last part, he winks at Jisung again, and he almost. chokes on his coffee.

Damn that was smooth.
Jisung basically zoned out, the subtle-ish complements replaying in his head.


Jisungs attention snaps right back to the gorgeous face of Minho as he speaks expectantly.

Jisung, having not heard a word that came out of the older's mouth, foolishly just wings it instead of asking him to repeat himself.

"Yeah...uh yes?"
He doesn't exactly know what he's saying yes to but he hopes the outcome isn't bad.

Minho looks confused.
"You major in... yes?"

Jisung's eyes widen as he tries again.

"Uhh... no! I major in art actually."

"Really?" Minho looks interested. "I've always loved art, even if I'm no good at it!"

Jisung beams at his cute fascination.
"Yeah, this'll be my sec-"

He's cut off by the loud, tinkling sound of the doorbell, ringing all throughout the small building.

He glances over to the door out of habit, but does a double take, as he know he recognizes the person stepping into the cafe at that moment.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.
He almost tips his coffee over out of shock, but Minho shoots his hand out out at the last second, and quickly places his hand on top of Jisung's, both of which are on the coffee cup, to keep it from tipping. All of this is happening as the surprise customer continues heading straight for their table.


Oh fuck.
Minho's hand is still on Jisung's as Huunjin reaches the table, the younger's phone in his hand.

"Hey, dumbass, you left your phone at the dorm when you thr..."

He trails off as he notices a few crucial things.

One, Jisung looks absolutely mortified and guilty. Two, he isn't here with a girl, like he told Hyunjin earlier. Three, perhaps the most important, he is here with a guy, and that guy just happens to be holding Jisung's hand right now.

Hyunjin starts, but is interrupted by Jisung pushing past him and out of the cafe, leaving his coffee in the hand of Minho, who is just sitting there, confused as to why Jisung just reacted that way.

He waves awkwardly at Hyunjin, still extremely confused.

"You're... a guy?" Hyunjin's eyes dart around the cafe, as if he were looking for Jisung, who already left.


Minho is still not understanding, and the other dancer currently walking away doesn't help.

Oh shit,
Minho thinks numbly.
What was that about?

He felt alone in some strange way, though he was surrounded by chattering people, but because Jisung wasn't there anymore.

His hand was still tingling as he walks back up and around the counter, hoping that Jisung would be fine.

A/N thank you guys for 100 reads! To sorta celebrate, I made a longer chapter today~ ✨😊

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