A fight

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Harry Potter was walking alone to hogsmeade , Ron and Hermione went to go make out or ... something.

Harry , not paying close attention to where he was going because 1) he didn't really intend on going to a specific place and 2) he was looking at the ground , stumbled into someone .

Looking up , it was none other than Draco Malfoy. " Watch where you're going Potter ." He spat and pushed Harry. He fell onto the ground , looking up at the tall figure sneering down at him.

Getting up , he pretended to walk off before punching Draco in the back of his head. I like you , bloody Malfoy , why can't you see that you git? He thought frustratedly as he swung for Draco's nose , hitting it.

To his surprise, blood then spurted from the impact on the blondes nose. Draco's eyes didn't exactly burn with anger though. Harry thought that was the impression he was trying to give , but he looked more hurt in his eyes.

" You'll pay for this , Potter." Draco hissed before speedily walking off. Before Harry could catch up , Draco disappeared behind the three broomsticks.

" Hey , dr-" Harry was cut off by the sound of sniffing. He turned the corner to see a crying Draco. In attempts to wipe his snotty nose with his robes, he smeared blood to one side of his face.

Draco's eyes flashed with fear . " Leave me alone , Potter." Draco sniffled. But Harry did none else than walk closer to him. " I'm sorry ..." Harry said , putting a hand on Draco's shoulder . " I didn't- I didn't mean what I did ." Harry said , almost in a whisper. " I didn't either .." Draco said. Harry delicately touched Draco's bloodied nose. " I can fix that." Harry said , swiping his wand near Draco's nose . All the blood disappeared.

" Thanks.." Draco said. " I..." he couldn't quite force it out. But Harry seemed to read his mind . " I like you ." Harry whispered. His heart was pounding so fast that now he was breathing quite heavily . " I really , really like you..." Draco could do no more than have an urge to put his lips to Harry's. He kept glancing down at the pink , slightly smiling lips of Harry Potter.

" I like you too , I just ... didn't know how to express it. So I ..." Draco began trying to map out feelings and actions to correlate them , but Draco was cut off by the delicate lips of Harry's caressing his . He began to kiss back just as softly.

Their kissing became rhythmic , moving at the perfect time . Draco curled Harry's messy , dark locks around his fingers , as Harry brushed his hands through Draco's hair
. Draco then bravely slid his tongue across Harry's bottom lip. Harry granted access as if he'd been waiting. Draco explored every crevice of Harry's mouth.

Harry finally pulled away , grinning. He stared deep into Malfoy's deep , gray eyes . He was so close that he could see the cool blue flecks that sprinkled the iris. Harry moved his lips onto Draco's for one small , final kiss to hold him off until they saw each other again , and loved the way Draco's eyes briefly fluttered shut so that Harry saw his long , blonde eyelashes.

" See you later Malfoy ." Harry whispered, before extending the space between them and walking off , leaving Draco leaning against the wall , smiling at the thought of seeing Harry again.

Sorry , I know , long for a one shot . But I love Drarry so much and sometimes when I read one I just wish there was more . So
I write it all out . :) hope y'all don't mind and I hope you still liked it and I'm sorry if you didn't like it and I hope you find that perfect Drarry out there !!

Sinsurly- Kate

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