Name: Elizabeth
Nickname: Lizzy
Age: 19-20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Role: Submissive
Height: 5'2"
Crush(In the order of how much I like them): Offenderman, Jason the Toymaker, Hoodie, Jeff, LJ, Ben, Toby
Personality: She is extremely kind, caring, sweet, and shy until you get to know her. She doesn't like hurting people but can seriously kick @$$ if needed. She is very easily flustered and it's easy to make her blush. When she's nervous, scared, flustered, or embarrassed she usually ends up stuttering.
Looks: Wavy red hair that goes a little ways past the middle of her back, dark brown eyes that look black at first glance, and a pale skin tone. Mainly wears gothic\casual\"bad@$$" clothes. One if her main outfits is a white tank top, a black skirt that's above the knees, fishnet leggings, a black leather jacket, and black ankle high boots.
Backstory: She never really had any friends growing up and was bullied basically every day at school for being different. Her dad tends to drink a lot. It isn't bad to the point of physical harm, but he does get pretty aggressive and has emotionally hurt her several times. The only person who has been there for her is her mom. But, her mom sometimes gets busy with work and she doesn't get to see her often. She finished her last year of highschool and is currently on a break year to earn some money before going to college. She flinched a lot when strangers or people she isn't close to suddenly touch her in anyway, even if it's just a tap on the shoulder. This is due to a bit of a traumatic experience she had when she was 12 with an older man. If she hadn't done what she did to get out of the situation, things would have been a lot worse.
Occupation: Works as whatever she can. A babysitter for people or animals, piano player at small cafés or resturants, part-time waitress, etc.
Hobbies\Interests: Taking walks, music, singing, art, playing piano, animals, reading, writing, and hugs
Extra: Some of her "favorites":
Flower: Rose(Yes, this is actually my favorite flower irl. It always has been.)
Animal: Snakes, Cats, and Dogs(In that order)
Food: Watermelon, Sushi, Any kind of sweet except chocolate