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hey girlypops!!

i hope you enjoy. 💛

zach was out with jack. they were officially official.

zach couldn't believe how actually happy he was. it had been awhile since he felt this genuinely happy. they were at the mall because jack was going back on tour soon and he wanted to give something to zach for when he was gone. he was also nervous to tell zach because he didn't know how the boy was going to react.

"so when are you going back on tour? i know you guys were talking about it earlier." zach looked up at jack. jack looked at him and then stopped walking.

jack sighed and looked down. "next week wednesday. it's in arizona and then we come back to LA for a day."

"oh." zach looked down. "that soon huh."

"i'm sorry for not telling you sooner. i know i should have since we're dating and all but it sorta slipped my mind until yesterday." jack gently squeezed zach's hand. "i'd ask you to come with but like you have work and i know you do school online but it would probably be hard to get any sort of work done."

"it's okay i understand. i'll still miss you though." zach smiled up at jack. he really would miss the older boy. they hadn't been dating long at all but they have spent every free hour they have together. sometimes zach would even go to the studio with jack or jack would bring zach dinner at work. they had been together for a week but it already felt longer than that.

"i'll miss you too." jack smiled at zach. the they walked into urban outfitters. "okay so you know how i always wear that like pink champion hoodie. well i wanted to not only let you have that one while i'm on tour but also get you one of your own and then i thought i could spray it with my cologne or something. i don't know. jonah gave me the idea. he did the same thing with his girlfriend."

"oh okay." zach blushed a little and let jack gently tug him into the store. he loved that idea but also didn't want jack to spend money on him. he didn't like it when jack bought him a coffee that was like four dollars let alone a sweatshirt that is sixty. "you don't have to though."

"but i want to and even if you don't say yes i know what your favorite color is and i will buy it anyway." jack grinned at zach who laughed and rolled his eyes.

"fine. but nothing else." zach followed jack through the store. jack stopped and zach looked around. he never really came in this store.

"pick a color love." jack set a hand on the distracted boy's shoulder causing him to jump. jack quickly retracted his hand letting it hang at his side. "sorry."

"don't apologize. i just wasn't paying attention." zach looked at jack and grabbed his hand. "don't think about it to much. i trust you."

"okay." jack looked back at his boyfriend. "so i know i asked which color but i already know which one you're going to pick."

"oh yeah which one would i choose." zach raised an eyebrow at the boy standing next to him.

jack pointed to the brightly colored one. "this one."

"yeah okay you're right." zach shrugged. "it is my favorite color."

"why is yellow your favorite color?" jack was curious.

"yellows like a happy color and my therapist says to surround yourself with things that make you happy. yellow is a warm inviting color. i love it. same with the color orange. i don't know. some people might think it's silly but whatever." zach shrugged and looked down.

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