From the Dragon's Eyes: Chapter 9

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The dark haired boy bandaged up the man’s wounds and helped him to his feet. “Where’s your cart?” he asked.

“On the path back home. I’m sorry you got involved, but how did you know to come armed?” How did you know to come at all?” the man asked as he got to his feet with the aid of the boy. Once on his feet, he turned to me. “Thank you very much for your help. I am forever in your debt Miss Dragon Tamer.”

Things seemed to quickly get out of hand for me when the dark haired boy told his father that I was at the house earlier, asking for a weapon, unable to pay, and keeping from him that I was the Dragon Tamer. “Well, its the least we can do to help her and her companion out, now isn’t it Krystak?” the blacksmith asked.

He gave me a look that was filled with gratitude and I knew what I had to do. I faced Krystak and bowed to him. “I’m sorry, we got off on the wrong foot earlier. My name is Cypress Everheart, the Dragon Tamer. His name is Elija Montegro, but we really are in dire need of a weapon. He’s defenseless. If he was armed, he probably would have been able to protect him better, so please-”

The man cut me off, “There’s no need to beg Miss Everheart. I owe the two of you my life. Anything you need, my son and I will make it for you, free of charge.” He looked me in the eye and smiled. Not a fake, pity smile like I was used to getting back home after my father was taken prisoner. I genuine smile. A grateful smile.

While making our way back to the cart to clean up the weapons that were discarded ruing the attack, Krystak’s father asked again, “You never answered me, Krystak. How did you find me?”

“When you were late coming home, I felt like something was wrong, so I went down the path that leads home that you always take, only to find your cart knocked over and the left over weapons scattered. When I couldn’t find you there, I followed the path you blood left to where I found you three,” Krystak looked to me when he added, “about to die.”

I suppose Elija decided this would be the prime opportunity to chime in for the first time since Krystak arrived to save them. “Now see, the only flaw with your reasoning is that your father stopped bleeding while we were running. You thought you were following his blood, but at least half way through, you began following Cypress’s... Cypress!” he exclaimed once he realized that my arm was still bleeding.

I looked to my arm in what could be taken as mock surprise. I honestly hadn’t noticed it was still bleeding until Elija pointed it out. “Well, then...” I said upon inspection. When I looked up, I gave a small laugh, “Guess I kind of assumed it would have stopped bleeding by now.”

Krystak looked at the cut and sighed. “I don’t have enough to take care of that here. I’m going to have to take care of it back home. Come on, I’ll bring you three back and then come back for the cart.”

Walking back down the path that we were on earlier, Elija and I couldn’t help but feel that being turned down by Krystak was meant to be. Krystak walked supporting his father, and after much persuasion, Elija walked supporting me. As I tried to walk, I found more cuts, none as severe as the one on my shoulder though. I also found that I had strained a muscle in both my right leg and right arm. Krystak’s father suggested that Cypress begin training and stretching everyday to stay flexible so I don’t pull or tare a muscle in another fight.

Upon arriving back at the house, Elija, Krystak’s dad and I sat down at a circular wooden table. Krystak gave his father a pad and a pencil, then left to retrieve the cart full of discarded weapons. “Now Miss Everheart, let’s discuss what weapon you would like,” he started, pencil in hand looking intently at me.

“Oh, you can just call me Cypress, sir,” I said holding up my hands defensively.

“Then you can’t call me sir. That is what my father was called, I’m Tarion. And what about you Guard Dog? What do you want to be called?” Tarion asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2012 ⏰

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