Chapter 7 - The unexpected phone call

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Isabella's POV

I woke up by phone ringtone at night. I rubbed my eyes sleepily.

"Who is it?" I mumbled, trying to open my eyes.

Alessandro tried to wake up totally and grabbed his phone.

"Yes?" He murmured hoarsely as he sat up on the bed.

Suddenly, his face got pale. He pulled the cover away quickly and got up.

"How is he now?" He asked, worried.

"What happened?" I asked with a low voice as I sat up on the bed.

"Okay. I am coming. Don't worry, Mom." He said, running his hand through his hair and rushed into the walk-in closet.

Something happened. Alessandro looked like beside himself. His face was white as a sheet. I got worried. I instantly got up and rushed behind him.

"What happened?" I asked, concerned.

"My father.... He had a heart attack." He replied, worried while tapping something on his phone.

"What?!" I exclaimed in fear. "How is he now?" I asked in worry.

"I don't know. I have to go to Italy. I booked a flight leaving in two hours." He informed me as he started packing.

"I am coming with you." I said.

"No." He stated firmly as he approached me and stopped me when I wanted to grab my suitcase for packing. He sighed and cupped my cheek. "You have to stay here. Your graduation is so close. You have plenty of things to do about it. Don't worry. I will inform you about his state." He said gently, stroking my cheek while looking into my eyes.


"As soon as you finish your necessary things to do here, you will come." He cut me off. I nodded. He gave me a smile and kissed my forehead.

"But keep me informed." I stated as he pulled back slightly. He nodded and continued packing.

I was watching him sadly while he was packing. I wanted to be beside him, to support him, and I was really worried about his father, but I knew he wouldn't let me. On the other hand, I could not hold myself from being sad; I would miss him.

He sighed as he finished packing. He looked at me and gave me a sad smile. I pursed my lips as my eyes welled up. He approached me and hugged me. I hugged him back tightly.

"Take care of yourself and our baby." He said softly and stroked my belly as he pulled back slightly. I nodded, fighting back my tears. "Don't skip your meals. I will inform you as soon as the plane lands." He added.

"Don't worry about us. And take care of yourself." I said, looking at him affectionately and stroked his cheek tenderly. I placed my free hand on top of his hand on my stomach. He nodded and kissed my lips. He pulled back and bent down in front of me. I placed a soft kiss on my stomach.

"I love you." I said as sadness filled my heart.

"I love you too, bella mia." He admitted and placed a chaste kiss on my lips.

Alessandro's POV

I was watching the sky, leaning back against my seat on the plane. I was so worried about my father. When I talked to my mother on the phone, her voice was bad, and she was crying. On the other hand, I was worried about Isabella as well. I didn't want to leave her in her state alone in another country. Yes, I ordered my bodyguard not let her leave his sight for a second, but I still felt worried.

Calm down, Alessandro. Everything will be okay. Your father will get well soon, and as soon as Isabella graduates, she will come to Italy.

I sighed deeply, closing my eyes. I opened my eyes and looked at my ring while running my fingertip over it. I took a deep breath as I took off it and held it in my hand tightly. It wasn't the right time to tell my parents about my marriage. I would tell them as soon as my father got better, and maybe it would be better if Isabella and I told them about it together. I put the ring into my pocket and ran my hand through my hair.

As soon as the plane landed, I rushed out of the airport. My driver, Pablo, was waiting for me. As I got in my car, I grabbed my phone and informed Isabella that I arrived. Then I called my mother and asked about my father's state. She said his condition was still critical.

As Pablo parked the car in front of the hospital, I opened the door quickly and got out of the car. I rushed into the hospital.

"Alessandro." My mother approached me, crying and hugged me back as she buried her face into my chest, crying.

"How is my father?" I asked as I hugged her tightly and stroked her hair.

"The same. The doctor said that if we were late for a few minutes, your father could be...." She burst out crying without managing to finish his sentence.

"Shh. Calm down." I said softly and pulled her into my embrace as tears shimmered in my eyes.


It had been two days since my father had a heart attack. His condition was getting better.

My mother and I were waiting for the doctor in the hallway. He was checking up my father. Suddenly, my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the screen. It was Isabella. I walked away from my mother and picked up the phone.

"Hey, Ale. How is your father?" She asked, concerned as I picked up my phone.

"Hi. The doctor is checking him." I replied, leaning against the wall, and ran my hand through my hair. "How are you? Is your morning sickness still bad? What did the doctor tell?" I asked, concerned.

She felt bad at university yesterday. She didn't tell me because she didn't want to worry me, but fortunately, my bodyguard, Derek informed me. She was going to the doctor today. I was so worried about her and our baby. It wasn't an easy pregnancy for her. On the other hand, I felt desperate that I couldn't be beside her and take care of her.

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