Chapter 30 - Just mine

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Alessandro's POV

"Let her in." I said, excited and hung up the phone.

I stood up and placed my hand into my pocket as I took a few steps towards the door. A few seconds later, the door opened and my beautiful wife walked in. She looked stunning in her navy blue wrap dress.

"Good afternoon." I gave him a warm smile.

"Good afternoon." She mumbled and bit her lower lip nervously.

"Is Matteo fine?" I asked, concerned. Yes, I got happy when I heard she was here, but I knew her very well; she was still mad at me. So if she visited me in my office, there was something serious.

"Yes, he is fine. He is with his babysitter." She replied.

I nodded, giving her a smile and asked. "Would you like to drink something?"

"No, I don't have so much time. I just need your signature in these documents." She informed and gestured to the file in her hand.

I looked at the file, confused. I didn't notice it when she walked in, because all my attention was focused on my freaking beautiful wife.

"What documents?" I asked, giving her a questioning look and took it as she extended the file towards me.

"Now you can marry your fiancée. You just need to sign it." She stated dryly, but I felt sadness in her voice.

I gave her a puzzled look and read the documents. I gritted my teeth in frustration. I was holding myself hard to not shatter everything in the office. I took a deep breath, trying to control my anger and lifted my head up. I gave her a mocking look and tore the documents. Her eyes widened in shock. She clenched her fist as her face flushed with rage.

"I will not divorce. You are my wife and nothing can change it. Got it?!" I snapped in frustration and threw the pieces of documents away without taking my eyes off her. "I will never let you go. Never! You are mine." I barked.

"Don't be childish! I will bring another copy of the documents. You can't continue this mess anymore. I want to get divorced. It is enough. I am not a trophy wife who will accept your every behavior. I was so patient about it, but I can't stand seeing you with her or hearing your mother's remarks anymore." She stated, determined.

"I will not let you go! You are mine! Mine! And no one can change it, even you!" I snapped confidently and stormed out, slamming the door behind me.

Isabella's POV

I woke up, rubbing my eyes. Someone was knocking on the door. I got up quickly as I put on my silky mini robe and rushed to the door so that the noises didn't wake up Matteo.

When I opened the door, my eyes widened in surprise. Alessandro was standing in front of me, a cocky smirk on his face. He roamed my body from head to toe with lustful eyes. Meanwhile, Matteo's babysitter was standing behind Alessandro. What was she doing here? I didn't call her.

"Alessandro,what the hell are you doing here?" I hissed between my gritted teeth.

"You are coming with me." He said confidently and grabbed my wrist.

"No. I don't go anywhere with you." I snapped and pulled my hand away, but he didn't release his grip around my wrist.

"You will come with me willingly or forcefully." He stated in a bossy tone.

"No, Alessandro! You can not come here and demand anything. Stop acting like a caveman!" I exclaimed in frustration and pulled my hand away angrily, but he didn't release it again.

"You wanted it!" He declared firmly.

I looked at him, puzzled. In a flash, he pulled me towards me fiercely by my wrist and threw me over his shoulder quickly.

"Alessandro!" I screamed, hitting his back. "Put me down!" I demanded, squirming.

"Don't worry, Matteo will stay with his babysitter." He informed as he carried me downstairs, ignoring my protest.

Ugh! I hate you, Alessandro! I was in my nightie and robe. Moreover, I was barefoot.

"Keep your eyes on Matteo." He ordered the securities as we passed by them. They nodded as they looked at us, amused.

"Alessandro, you jerk! Put me down!" I screamed, hitting his back. I felt frustrated. "I hate you!"

He opened the door with his free hand and pushed me inside.

"Alessandro!" I exclaimed angrily.

He ignored me while putting on my seatbelt and closed the door. I opened the door and wanted to get out of the car, but Alessandro stopped me.

"Alessandro!" I exclaimed in annoyance.

"Isabella, shut up! You are coming with me. End of discussion!" He stated in an authoritarian tone and slammed the door.

"Fucking bastard!" I exclaimed under my breath and folded my arms over my chest, breathing deeply.

Once he got in the car, he started the car and drove away. I was staring through the window without looking at him, but I felt his gaze on me time by time.

He parked his car in front of their countryside house. He got out of the car and walked towards my side. He opened the door. I folded my arms over my chest without looking at him.

"Hmm. We keep being stubborn. Huh?" He commented, amused. I didn't say anything without looking at him for a second. He sighed and scooped me up in his arms, getting me out of the car.

"Hey! Put me down!" I snapped, squirming.

"Calm down, bella mia, or I will drop you." He warned arrogantly and grinned.

Asshole! I rolled my eyes, annoyed.

He closed the door with his foot as he carried me inside. He set me on my feet carefully as we arrived in the living room.

"It is illegal. I will file charges against you." I threatened him, folding my arms over my chest.

"Hmm." He was ignoring my threats, staring at my cleavage.

"Pervert!" I exclaimed, blushing and adjusted my robe.

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