Chapter 29 - Desperation

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Alessandro's POV


She raised her hand, stopping me and commanded. "Don't!" She took a deep breath, ruffling her hair. "Do you know her words didn't hurt me more than your attitude?! You just watched without doing anything while your mother humiliated your wife and son." She stated with a cold voice.

"Isabella, let me explain..."

"I don't want to hear anything, Alessandro." She said, determined and took Matteo in her arms. Matteo's lower lip quivered and he started crying. "Go to your family and fiancée." She added bitterly and slammed the door in my face.

I cursed under my breath, closing my eyes and ran my hand through my hair.

When I left the building, it was raining. I got in my car and leaned my head against the headrest. I slammed my palm on the steering wheel.

"Damn it!" I exclaimed angrily.

I looked through the window while the raindrops were running down my window. I didn't want to go. Even if she didn't listen to me, I couldn't leave. Maybe she would change her mind and decide to listen to me.

I felt devastated. How would I make Isabella forgive me? I loved her so much. She was my breath. I was breathing with her. I couldn't lose her. I couldn't.

I breathed deeply and got out of the car. I lifted my head up and looked at her balcony while getting drenched under pouring rain. She was there, looking at me. As she saw me looking at her, she went back. I sighed, depressed and punched the car. I placed my hands on the car and leaned my head on my hands, my eyes closed. I breathed deeply and opened the door fiercely and got in my car. Then I leaned back against the seat and pursed my lips together as my eyes welled up. My heart was arching.

When I opened my eyes the following morning, I was in my car. I rubbed the back of my neck; it was hurting. I breathed deeply, running my hand through my hair. I grabbed my phone and called my security guard.

"Good morning, sir."

"Send someone to keep an eye on Isabella and Matteo. Warn him that he didn't let anyone come near them. She is in her apartment. " I demanded.

"Alright, sir."

"If something happens to them, be scared of my wrath!" I warned.

"Don't worry, sir. I will warn him." He said.

I hung up my phone and threw it onto the passenger side seat. I started the car and drove away.

Isabella's POV

I frowned, annoyed and went back to my apartment, carrying Matteo in my arms. I felt angry. Today I planned to take Matteo to the park, but when I left the building, I saw two men in front of my building. Alessandro sent them to protect Matteo and me as they said. How he dare to send his men to keep an eye on us without asking me?! I was frustrated. I told the securities that they left, but they refused telling me that Alessandro demanded that they didn't leave for a second.

I put Matteo in her crib and grabbed my phone. I called Alessandro.

"Isabella, I am..."

"How do you dare to send your men to follow me without my permission?" I cut him off in frustration. "Order them to leave. I don't need them." I demanded and hung up my phone without letting him say anything.

I threw my phone onto the bed and sat down on the bed. I held my head between my hands and sighed as tears ran down my cheeks uncontrollably.

Matteo babbled, extending his hand towards me while standing in his crib, grabbing the guard rail.

I lifted my hand up and smiled sadly, looking at my son as I wiped my tears off my cheeks with the back of my hand. I stood up and approached him. He gave me puppy eyes, asking me to take him in my arms while babbling. I smiled and took him in my arms. He nuzzled against my chest and grabbed my shirt as he rested his head on my chest. I placed a soft kiss on his head, stroking his hair gently and breathed in his scent.

Once Matteo fell asleep, I put him in his crib and pulled the blanket over her body. I stroked his head gently and left the room. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

"Alessandro?" I looked at him, surprised as I opened the door.

"Hi." He murmured, giving me a warm smile. "Could we talk inside?" He asked.

I frowned and stated as I folded my arms over my chest. "There is nothing to talk about. Just order your securities to leave."

"No. They will stay." He said firmly.

"I don't need them." I declared, annoyed.

"You are not alone here, Isabella. So you can't decide. My son is here too, and I will do everything to protect him and his mother." He stated confidently.

His mother. No bella mia anymore. Just the mother of his son.

I gave him a mocking look, shaking my head in disappointment as my eyes welled up.

"Leave!" I exclaimed without looking at him while trying to hold my tears back. I didn't want to cry in front of him.

"Isabella..." He pleaded.

"Leave, Alessandro!" I repeated and pursed my lips together and slammed the door at his face.

I leaned back against the door as tears ran down my cheeks. Suddenly, I heard Matteo's cry. I wiped my tears off my cheeks as I walked into my room where Matteo was.

"Mommy is here." I cooed him as I took him in my arms and placed a tender kiss on his forehead. He gripped my shirt while sobbing. I rubbed his back gently while placing kisses on his cheeks, head and nose.

A month later

Alessandro's POV

I breathed deeply, annoyed and leaned my elbows on my desk, holding my head between my hands. I had been trying to work in my office, but I couldn't concentrate. I was thinking about Isabella. She was still angry at me. As much as I tried to explain why I was forced to act like that, she didn't listen to me. I missed her and my son so much. I got used to seeing them every day when I went back home. Suddenly, my phone rang, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes?" I snapped as I picked up my phone.

"You have a visitor, Mr. De Luca. Miss Isabella Martinelli wants to see you." My secretary informed.

Isabella? My heartbeats increased as I heard her name. I frowned and added with my inner voice. Not Martinelli. She is Isabella De Luca.

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