Darling don't speak.

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I woke up with the name Reed on my lips.

The light was streaming in through my open curtains and I sighed, trying to roll over and go back to bed. Though the sight of the dam just outside my window was breathtaking in the morning light -- the trees swaying lazily and the ducks paddling about. I yawned, going to check the time on my phone --  and was met by Izzy's frantic messages to the group chat.

Izbiz to GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS, 6:37 am; well I'm a fucking idiot
Izbiz to GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS, 6:37 am; my life is over

A group call ensured as I rubbed my eyes, laying underneath my duvet. Daisy jumped up next to me and sniffed my face.

"What the fuck did you do?" Corey asked, breathless, as soon as Izzy picked up.

"I hooked up with Cole." Izzy said, and I sat up, pulling the duvet with me.

There was silence. My overhead fan hummed in my ears. I could feel the look Corey and I would share if she was here with me. "What do you mean by hook up?" I asked, slowly.

When Izzy didn't reply, Corey prompted loudly, "Did you kiss him? Did you give him head? What does hooking up mean?!"

"I slept with him." She whispered, and my mouth fell open. I knitted my fingers through Daisy's fur.

"Izzy-" I began, and stopped.

"I screwed Cole St Michael." She said, her voice hushed.

More silence. More fucking disbelief. Eventually, I couldn't help it. I started laughing, and the girls followed. Corey wheezed, "I mean, props to you girl."

"Shut up!"

"How was he?" I asked as soon as I could. Cole and I kinda, semi hooked up once and even in that limited time I remembered him being good.

Corey and I had to wait for Izzy to stop giggling, I could almost hear her blush as she said, "So fucking good." Corey and I started screaming. Izzy waited for us to calm down before continuing, "No but guys, he made me finish."

"Ohhhhh!" I gasped, and stretched.

"Bitch! I'm proud."

"What's his dick like?" I cut in, pulling my hair into a pony tail.


"But like it's Cole." Corey whispered his name, and a door shut on her end. "With all the shit that gets talked up about him, I'd be let down if he didn't."

Nodding along, I asked. "Did he? Like finish?"

"Maybe." Izzy said coyly. I screamed as I rolled out of bed.

Still, I couldn't help myself. My stomach sank a little bit, and I huffed. "Okay but how have you and Cole had sex and Alex and I haven't?"

"Cause Alex and you haven't gotten drunk slash a little high together before?"

"Wait what?"

"Well, he was high and I was a little drunk."

"What the hell?" I could see Corey next to me, and the side eye we would swap.

"Cole and my cousins, well at least I think they did. Like, there was powder on the bathroom bench." Izzy said, yawning.

"So he did, like, a line of something?"

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