Eddy, A Family Man

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After 3 days of hard work cleaning up at Ed's house, Eddy awoke and walked down the stairs where Lee and Eddie were in the kitchen. Eddy walked over to the coffee pot and poured a large cup of black coffee and sat down. His son was eating scrambled eggs and watching cartoons. Lee turned around and walked over to Eddy with a plate in her hand. She set it on the table and turned to walk away when Eddy grabbed her wrist. He pulled her arm and kissed his wife on the lips. "You know what we should do today?"

"What's that?"

"I'm never home because of work I have the next few days off and I want to spend time with you. Let's go to the beach."

Lee was surprised, "Really we haven't drove to blueberry lake in ages? What about Eddie though he has school."

"C'mon Lee he can miss one day. I want to use this time off for us."

Lee smiled, "This is why I love you monkey man."

"So it's settled, we'll finish up breakfast and I'll go pack the car."

Lee kissed the top of Eddy's head and started walking away. Eddy reached out and smacked Lee's butt, "Don't forget to bring your sexy bikini."

Lee turned around and held up a finger, "You're lucky I kinda liked that."

Eddy leaned down to his son, "What do you think little Ed? No school today you're going to the beach with mom and your old man."

"Yaay the beach! Are we gonna get ice cream daddy?"

"You know it!"

The two high fived and Eddy began eating breakfast with his family. After eating, Eddy went up stairs and changed clothes. He put on a bright yellow and red Hawaiian shirt and a pair of khaki cargo shorts. He slipped on his sandals and opened the front door. "Hey Lee, I'm gonna go pack the car, you need help with anything in here?"

"No I got it, I just need to change and pack a bag for Eddie."

"Ok babe."

Eddy went out and opened the garage and his trunk. He grabbed 3 lawn chairs, a cooler, a small portable BBQ grill, and an assortment of beach toys. He placed everything in the trunk and closed it. The school bus pulled up to pick up Eddie, he waved for the bus to move along and it continued down the street.

Eddy went back inside where Lee was coming down the stairs with Eddie. Eddie was dressed just like his dad but his shirt was blue and white and Lee was wearing a white sun dress and carrying a beach bag with towels a blanket and some extra clothes just in case.

"We ready to go babe?"

"Don't we need to pack food and stuff too?"

"Don't sweat it babe, I'll stop at a store on the way and we'll just pick up what we need."

Lee nodded and the three of them walked out the front door. They got into the car and buckled Eddie into his car seat. Eddy put the convertible top down and slid a pair of sunglasses onto his face.

"Alright family let's go to the beach."

Lee slid over to the middle seat and leaned her head onto Eddy's shoulder. He put his arm around her and pulled out of the drive way.

After stopping at the store to pick up a few things, they arrived at the beach. There weren't a lot of people there because it was a week day, but there were a few other people.

"You need help getting everything?" Lee asked.

Eddie put his arms around Lee, "You always take care of everything babe, you and the boy and go have fun. I'll get this stuff."

Lee kissed Eddy, "You're a good man, ya know?"

Eddy winked and said, "The best!"

Lee rolled her eyes and smiled. She took Eddie by the hand and the two walked toward the water. Eddy opened the trunk and started grabbing all he could carry attempting to get everything in one trip. He slowly fumbled his way down to the sand and dropped everything off while Lee was spreading out a blanket on the sand.

"Look at my big strong man! Is that all of it?"

"Nah, I still need to grab the cooler."

"Well here is a little reason to hurry back." Lee lifted off her dress to reveal a red string bikini.

Eddy's face turned red, and he whistled at Lee, "Woo you still got it baby!"

Eddy ran back up to the car and lifted the now full cooler out. He carried it to the beach and set it down. Lee had set up the chairs and was working on blowing up an inner tube for Eddie.

"Mommy can I go swimming?"

"Hold on, I need to blow up your floaty and you need sun screen."

"Here babe, I'll blow up the float, if you wanna get the sun screen." Lee handed over the tube and Eddy started inflating it. Lee pulled the bottle of sunblock from her bag, "You know Eddy you need to wear this too, so you don't burn."

"Yea, yea, I just hate the smell of that stuff."

"Oh so I guess that means you won't be putting it on my back?" Lee gave a flirty grin.

"Hey now I never said that!"

Eddy finished blowing up the tube and handed it to Eddie. He took it and ran for the water as Eddy shouted, "Hey squirt, you're supposed to say thank you! And dont go out in the deep water!"

Lee started putting lotion on herself, once she had everything covered she tossed the bottle to Eddie, "Oil me up monkey man."

"Absolutely." Lee sat on the blanket with her back to Eddy, she opened the cooler and pulled out 2 beers. Eddy finished putting sunscreen on lee and ahe sat in the chair next to Eddy. She handed him a drink and the cheered each other. They sat in thier chairs watching thier son play in the water.

"Ya know something Eddy? This was a good idea."

Eddy reached over and held his wife's hand.

As Eddy was taking a drink of his beer, Lee said,  "You are so getting laid tonight." Eddy choked on his drink and began coughing as Lee laughed at his expense. She stood up and started jogging toward the water.

Eddie got up and made chase, "Oh you won't get away that easy!" He caught up with Lee and threw her over his should he walked out into the water and threw Lee in. Leeaughed and started splashing Eddy and her son. Time went by quickly as the family played, ate, and enjoyed thier day at the beach. As evening approached they packed up and headed home for the day. Eddy carried his son up the stairs and put him in bed since he fell asleep on the ride home. Eddy laid him down and kissed his forehead. "Good night little Ed." He shut the door and saw lee standing naked in the archway of their bedroom. Eddy gawked at her for a moment when she said, "I told you, you were getting laid tonight."

Eddy picked up his wife by the hips and kicked the door shut.

Eddy is truly a family man.

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