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As the song played Edd still sat dumbfounded. Marie still attempting to get his attention as thoughts swirled in Edd's head.

Did Marie really blow a shot at being a star just for me? Am I even worth it? Surely she must realize who he was. Weather she wants it or not she is going to be known.

"Helloooo Earth to Double D..."

Edd snapped back to reality. He shook his head to try and regain his senses.

"Marie are you sure you are fine with not signing a full record deal?"

"Of course why wouldn't I be?"

Edd bit his lip. "Marie maybe we should talk about all of this at length tomorrow. It's Saturday so I won't have to work. We can spend the whole day together."

Marie smiled, "That sounds so good." Marie then slowly slumped onto the floor and was sound asleep. Edd picked her up and put her in bed to sleep off the drunk.

Later in the evening Edd curled up in bed next to Marie who was still sleeping. He brushed the hair from her face and kissed her cheek. Then began to whisper, "Marie I'm so scared. I don't want you to leave me, but I don't want you to hold yourself back either."

Edd closed his eyes as a tear ran down his nose. Eventually he would worry himself to sleep.

The next morning Marie awoke to an empty bed. She sat up and held her throbbing head. "Ugh, what did I do yesterday." She stood up and walked down the stairs to see Edd's back facing her as he sat at the kitchen table. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed the top of his head, "Please tell me there is coffee."

"There is. How are you feeling?"

Marie walked to the coffee pot and poured herself a cup. "Like garbage. Drinking that much was definitely a bad idea."

"Marie can we talk?"

Marie turned around with her coffee and sat at the table with Edd, "Sure Edd, what's up?"

Edd produced the contract from his pocket. "Last night you said that you didn't sign a contract because of me. While flattered are you sure it's the best choice. I am afraid Marie. I don't want you passing on this opportunity because of me. I don't want you to end up regretting it."

Marie was hurt by Edd's words, "So what are you saying Edd? You would rather me leave? Do you not want me anymore?"

Edd stood up and quickly went to comfort marie who looked as though she were about to cry. "No dear that isn't what I mean at all. I'm just worried that you are settling for me."

Marie was furious, "Settling? Settling?" Marie began to shake in anger, "Do you have any idea how many nights I spent crying into a pillow over you? How many times I looked at a guitar and felt sick because I used it as a ticket away from you? When I finally decided to leave that life, which mind you it never once made me happy, where did I go to Edd? I came straight to you. I came home, even though I knew there was no guarantee you would be waiting for me, but I took that chance, and I found you, you were still right here. I finally got back everything I lost and all of my regrets are put to bed and you ask me if I'm sure?" Marie stormed away from the table knocking over her coffee cup as it fell to the floor and broke.

As Marie stormed up the stairs, Edd thought to himself, "What have I done?" He ran after Marie only to be met by the bedroom door slamming in his face. Edd tapped on it gently, "Marie?" There was no answer. Only the door flying open with a fully dressed Marie exiting. She walked past Edd and down the stairs while saying, "I'm going out for a while I need to be alone."

As the front door slammed, Edd held his head in frustration.

Marie walked into the woods and into the clearing. She sat down with her back against a tree and began to cry and talk to herself, "Goddamnit Double D. Why don't you realize what you are worth to me? Or am I still too much? Do I bother you? Am I a burden? Am I...."

"Uhhh, Big sister Marie?"

Marie snaps around to see Ed. She wipes her eyes and face trying to clean herself up. "Hey Ed, uhh how much of that did you hear?"

Ed walked over and sat near Marie. He stared up into the clouds and pointed at one, "Look Big Sister, that one looks like the alien creature from It Came from Zaxar 3: Awakening of the Balmites."

Marie looked up and all she saw was a puffy white cloud that had no shape at all. She couldnt help but smile and laugh a little, "If you say so Ed."

"Did Marie and Double D have a fight?"

Marie pulled her knees up to her chest, "Kind of. Edd thinks I might regret being with him and not the band."

"Ed and May fight sometimes too. May thinks I care to much because Ed always wants her to smile even if Ed doesn't get his way or gets hurt." Ed rubbed the scars on his arms, "But Ed loves his princess more than anything and only wants her. Even though may worries I could have more, Ed has plenty. I think Marie is like Ed. Double D is like Ed too. If Marie ever wanted anything Double D would give her that thing no matter what even if it hurt him." Ed gave Marie a big dopey smile as if he understood.

Marie's eyes became heavy. And she started to cry again. Ed pated her shoulder, "Awww there, there Big Sister. Double D will forgive."

Marie wiped her eyes again. "Thank you Ed. She stood up and Ed juat sat staring at the sky. As she walked back to the trail in the woods she stopped and turned around to yell, "Ya know Ed, I'm starting to wonder if the big lumux thing is just an act."

Ed held up a finger to his lips as if to say "shhh," and winked at Marie. With that she turned around and went home. As soon as she walked in, she saw Edd waiting near the door, without a word she threw her arms around him and kissed him on the lips. "I'm sorry Double D. Apparently I'm dumb like Ed."

"I'm sorry Marie I don't exactly understand."

Marie was going to keep Ed's advice to herself. "I mean I'm always going to choose you, nothing in this world makes me happier. So never think you will be a regret to me. I blew up about it and I'm sorry. I know you were only trying to make sure I'm happy, but never doubt that I am. All I need is my oven mitt."

"I'm sorry as well Marie I shouldn't second guess your decisions. It's your life after all and I am honored you want me in it."

"It's our life now Edd."

Edd squeezed Marie even tighter. "I love you Marie Kanker."

Mimicing Ed's voice, "and Marie loves Edd."

As Years Pass 2 (An Ed, Edd, and Eddy Story)Where stories live. Discover now