Clearing the Air

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It had been a little over a week since the media circus and Axis Magazine article decended upon the Cul DeSac. Double D now stood nervously in front of a mirror comparing ties and muttering to himself. "Oh dear, I dont know which one to wear, the polka dots or the stripes?"

Marie then walked up behind him wearing a black dress and draped a tie over his shoulder. "You should wear this one, it's obviously my favorite color." She kissed him on the cheek and sat on the edge of the bed to put on a pair of boots.

Edd took the solid blue tie and began to tie it around his neck. "Did Marcus say what time he would be arriving today? I assume he'll be coming by car."

"He didn't he just said he was going to fly in today. Don't be so nervous Oven Mitt famous people are still just people, pretend he's Kevin or Ed."

Double D imagined Ed in a suit on the phone "Listen you sign DJ Chunky puff or I'll have you turned into gravy." Edd giggled to himself at the thought. He looked at the clock to see it was 11:14 when there was a knock at the door.

"Could you get it Edd? I still need to do my makeup real quick."

Edd walked down the stairs and answered the door. "Yes, can I help you?"

"Hi I'm Jillian Demarco from America Now. Marcus Paul asked us to come for an exclusive interview with him and Marie Kanker."

"Of course please come in. If you would wipe your feet."

A three person crew walked in, "Ms. Demarco, where should we set up?"

She turned to Edd, "Is there any place in particular you would like?"

"Hmm, I supppose the Den would be sufficient, it's typically where we entertain guests." Edd lead the people into the room. It had a large 3 sided purple couch with a large low table in the middle. The walls were decorated with framed posters and replica gold records from BB King, Etta James, Dave Brubeck and other blues and jazz artists. There were pole lamps with beaded shades in both back corners and a small bar just off to the side of the room. "I hope you'll excuse the some what dated decor my father decorated this room years ago and I rather liked it so I've kept it very much the same."

"I love it! This is perfect."

Marie walked into the room, "Nice I was hoping we would use the shag pad for this."

"Marie must I ask you again not to refer to my father's rumpus room as a shag pad."

The crew got to work setting up the camera and some lighting. When a man in a black t shirt and jeans opened a case "Ms. Demarco I'm going to get these guys mic'd up." He took out a small black box with a thin wire. "Ok chief youre up first. Clip this on your tie and run the wire under your coat and hook the box to the back of your belt." He handed another one to Marie. Just put yours on the front middle of your dress, and hook the box to the top back. Just try to tuck the wire in where it wont be seen."

Edd and Marie did as they were told. The third member of the camera crew was also wearing a black shirt but instead of jeans had on a mid length skirt. She set up two small chairs and motioned for Marie and Edd to sit. She looked at Marie's face and said, "Your makeup is pretty good, I'm just gonna put a little powder on you for the camera."

"Whatever you gotta do."

The woman looked at Edd, "And you'll need a full face." She quickly got to work, producing a brush she put some powder on it and went down either side of marie's nose and under her chin, then she took another brush and put just a small bit of blush on her cheeks. "Ok darling you're set."

With this there was another knock on the door. To which Marie said, "I'll get it, seeing as how you need a full face." Marie kissed Double D on the cheek and went to answer the door. Upon opening it Marcus stood in front of her and happily greeted her. "Marie, babe it's been too long. How are you?"

As Years Pass 2 (An Ed, Edd, and Eddy Story)Where stories live. Discover now