•THE BUS• (chapter 1)

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I'm going on this trip for the second time and I'm really excited because the last time was years ago and i can't even remember much from it, the last time i went with Johnny but ended up with doyoung my childhood friend but then we stopped seeing each other so i kinda won't call myself a friend of his but he actually took a good care of me since he oftens go on trips and i don't and it was my first time. So i thought i should ask him to go with me again? I hope he doesn't say no.

JAEHYUN: heyy john could you ask doyoung to go with me on this trip? Please?.

JOHNNY: what a coincidence coz he asked me the same to ask you guess yall going together then.

JAEHYUN: that sounds great then thanks.

Well that was easy i didn't know he remembered its actually cute he did.

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