•I DON'T KNOW• (chapter 8)

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5 months later


Fuck! Im late. I quickly got out of my shower and put my ripped jeans and white shirt with my black hoodie. And put my shoes on and i quickly ate my breakfast and left the house and saw Johnny outside with his car with Loud  music when i opened the car door got whys the music so loud.

I got inside and turned the music off.

"Alright Now Stop!" I yelled and ten and taeyong quickly pulled away. Gosh why they always be making out.

"Buzzkill" ten said and rolled his eyes.
"Don't you two ever get tired of eating each other's faces off!" I said and rolled my eyes at him.

"I agree with jae on this sorry guys" Johnny gave them a pity look then started driving.

"This drives gonna be at least 10 minutes long please turn the damn music on if you don't wanna hear us" ten said gosh hes so annoying.
"Screw them baby" taeyong said and pulled ten's face close to his and there they are again gross.

Johnny and i had no choice but to turn the music on. Sigh.

But Johnny turned it off again i looked at him confused
"Don't tell me you want to hear them moan" i said and he chuckled

"Ew no" Johnny said. He just shook his head and started again.

"Uhm doyoung's gonna be here too, will you be okay? If not then we can just go somewhere else" Johnny said worried look in his eyes will i be okay? Not in a 100 years I'll be okay. But i have to get through it. For my friends its me not them.

I took a deep breath.
"Yes I'll be fine" i said and gave him a little smile.
"Please tell us if you don't feel like it we can leave immediately okay?" Ten said that and it made me smile because even when doyoung is his brother he still has been there for me when i needed friends even he complained about him with me.

I nodded.
"Yes i will tell you guys" and the car stopped and i knew who was coming.

The car door opened and closed.
"Ready to go?" Johnny asked and i heard doyoung say.
"Yep" i just kept looking out of the window i don't want to make eye contact with him and my heart still beating fast.
But i may sneaked a look on the mirror in front of him he was looking down on his phone texting. He was wearing glasses and i think they look really cute on him.

I didn't realize looking at him for too long until he almost caught me he looked right into the mirror but i quickly looked away. Phew

"Kiss me" ten moaned god! Why would they torture.
Before taeyong got any close to his face.

"NO! Stop before i throw both of you out of this damn car!" I yelled.

"FINE! Gosh jae chill" taeyong said and then they both sat quietly. And the rest of the ride went quick and peaceful. A little awkward I'll say.

We arrived at the mall.

"Jae what was the movie you wanted to see?" Johnny said I looked behind.
"Aladdin" we were walking to the cinema to get tickets and Aladdin was the movie that me and doyoung were supposed to see together we had a lot of plans.

we got there and Johnny said he'll get the tickets.

"Wait!" We all looked at the person who just called.
"Get one extra ticket" doyoung said Johnny just nodded and went to get em. Extra ticket? So he's here with his date of course. Ugh now i don't want to be here at all.

"Taeyong needs to use the bathroom we'll be right back okay" ten said and i nodded i can't believe they're leaving me alone with my ex that happens to scare me. They left and i just stood there waiting for Johnny. And finally doyoung put his phone in his pocket after being on it like what the whole time.

He kept looking everywhere hes probably looking for that person, has he really moved on? That easily? Wow how i wish i could do the same.

"How are you? its been awhile" i snapped out of my thoughts is he talking to me? Of course he is theres nobodys here expect us. Should i even talk to him?.

"I've been doing okay i guess" i said not looking at him and i just hope he doesn't talk again i really don't want to ruin this moment for my friends.

"I think you don't want to talk to me?" He said coming a little closer looking right in my eyes. I looked at him.

There was really no emotion in his eyes that i could see. Yes i don't want to talk to you isn't that so obvious?.

"Doie!" Someone called his nickname and he quickly looked away his smile grew. And the boy called him ran to him and hugged him.
Am i wishing that, that it was me into his arms? Yes yes thats exactly what im wishing right now but at the same time i don't.

The boy has blonde hair and he looks really nice and hes not the boy from the party the way his face lit up when doyoung went to him. So hes doyoung's boyfriend even when that boy don't deserve this but i still seem to just dislike him. Am i jealous? Yes i am and i can't stand here and see them like this. So i just walked passed them.

I heard that boy said.
"Who was he?"
"Hes nobody" those were doyoung's words.

I quickly went to the bathroom and locked the door cried and cried my eyes out.
Why does it hurt so bad why I'm the only one who's hurting. The biggest mistake I've ever made in my life was to fall in love that i would never repeat again. Ever.

I didn't even realized i was here for so long i probably missed half of the movie.
Until I hear my phone ringing it was taeyong.

"Hello?" I said.
"Where are you? We looked everywhere the movie's about to start" he said he sound worried i worry my friends too much. I don't wanna go there but i have to.
"Yes I'm coming" i said and ended the call.

I went out washed my face. And left to where they were, when i got there doyoung wasn't there.

"Heyy! There you are you made us worried man. Where did you went?" Johnny came to me and asked i just holded my coffee up.

"I went to get some coffee but sorry i got lost into something" i lied I've been lying most of the time anyways when i know i shouldn't even be lying to friends like them.

He nodded.
"Okay lets get inside now tae and ten already went inside its just us" i nodded and that boy got up to we were about to get inside the cinema until someone pulled me back from my arm. He pushed me against the wall.
I couldn't even get to call Johnny since they already were inside ugh.

"Why are you always lying?" He said looking right into my eyes.

"About what?" I said looking anywhere but him.

"You were crying in the toilet, why?" He whispered damn. Did he followed me there?
I gulped i don't even know what he wants.

"Let go of me" i said
"No!" He said.
"Doyoung please" i whispered and he let go of me and turned away, was he crying?.

"Do you still have feelings for me?" He asked and wiped his tears. Yes i do i love you way too much doyoung. And you have no idea how much i miss you every single day.

"I don't know" i said and went inside the cinema room and quickly ran to my seat next to Johnny.

"Wheres ten and taeyong?" I said as i didn't see them near?
"I got em a little far away seats" he pointed at them and of course what else could they do other than eating each other's faces.

"Ohhh! Yeah i get it" i said went to focus on the movie.

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