•CUDDLING• (chapter 4)

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So we're more than bestfriends now and it shows probably. 

Doyoung came to cuddle again he just loves cuddles too much he doesn't let me move. And deep down i love it way too much even when outside i say i hate skin ship. I love his skin ship i love it way too much when he touches me and kisses my cheeks.

Its impossible to stay away for hours from each other. Even if its just 2 hours we miss each other way too much.

We're not official yet we cuddle and stay with each other all this time every day every hour but we aren't like taeyong and ten would never be like them even if we are we wouldn't be doing that in public places its just gross.

I was standing in front of the mirror until i hear door's noise and ran without a thought because i knew its him.

"Heyy!" He said happily and we just ran into each other's arms.

"I missed you" he said.
"Me too" i said and he kissed my cheek. I love it and i want him to kiss me on my lips now.
"I thought i told you to stop kissing me"
I said even if i love it.
"Because i like to kiss you now stop" he said and already laying on the couch waiting for me to lay with him and cuddle. And we cuddled all the day until it was time for him to leave
And hugged each other tight and said goodbye.

Already impatient for tomorrow to meet again.


"Jaehyun Would you be my boyfriend?" doyoung said out of blue when we were watching this real madrid v Juventus game.

"w-what?" I said and looked at him did i hear it right or its just me and my imagination again.

"Nothing" he said he had his eyes on the tv
"I thought you said ... something nevermind"

I know i heard him say that why can't he say that again? I've been waiting for him to ask me to be his boyfriend for so so long why kim doyoung.

great now now i can't even concentrate on the biggest game here thanks to you mr kim doyoung.

I stood up and left to drink some water and wash my face. And probably need my inhaler my asthma just gets worse on days like this stop giving me anxiety doyoung will you.

"Im going home I'll see you Tomorrow" i hear him say but i don't want him to leave he just got here like half an hour ago before i go to stop him he already left.

After few hours.

My phone buzzed


My baby:
Hey. You awake?.


My baby:
Im sorry for leaving like that i kinda felt like throwing up.

You could've told me doie. ):

My baby:
Hey hey pls don't be sad its okay im fine now.

Okay then. and did you really said that when we were watching tv?

My baby:
Yes jae baby i did. But you haven't answered yet.

(: of course its a Yes. I love you doyoung.

FINALLY! YES! i screamed. But he still haven't replied back did i messed up? Or was it too soon to say i love you?
Until my phone buzzed again.

My baby:
I love you too. now goodnight sweet dreams.♡

Same to you. (: ♡.

I don't even know if i will be able to sleep after this.


We were walking hand in hand in the park.

"Do you want some coffee?" I asked he just shook his head

"Not in the mood, i just want to be with you like this" he said and smiled and i smiled too.

It was night not many people were here thats why i love this, until he stopped walking and pulled his phone put and played a soft music.

He came close to me and pulled me very close to him. Oh my gosh i think im dying of happiness this is too beautiful to be real.

We were so close moving like that. And then he held my face and kissed me on the cheek and then he finally kissed me on my lips it was sweet and it felt way way too good to be real i know its hard to believe but it is real. And he pulled away and we still moved slowly on the song until it ended.

"Lets go eat" he whispered i nodded and we left.

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